Definition of



The idea of ​​cosmos can refer to outer space.

Cosmos is a Latin term that comes from a Greek word and is used to name the set of all created things . The concept can be used to refer to an ordered system , opposing the notion of chaos .

Specifically, we can determine that the term in question emanates from the Greek verb "kosmen", which can be translated as "to order."

The most common use of cosmos is linked to the universe (based on its order) and the space outside the Earth . For example: "My son is fascinated with the cosmos, so I'm going to give him a telescope so he can observe the stars from the balcony" , "The cosmos is so vast and complex that we still don't know most of its aspects" , "When "I grow up, I want to be an astronaut and explore the cosmos aboard a spaceship."

Observation of the cosmos

It is important to emphasize that many corners of the world have cultural centers that revolve around the term at hand, taking into account this aforementioned meaning. Thus, for example, in the Tenerife town of San Cristóbal de La Laguna, in the Canary Islands, there is the Museum of Science and the Cosmos, which seeks to make science known in all its breadth.

Specifically, this space is committed to bringing the scientific world closer to citizens, not only theoretically but also practically. To do this, it has interactive media and a wide variety of multimedia tools. In this way, any visitor will be fascinated with the world in which they live and with its singularities. It is worth noting initiatives carried out such as astronomical camping trips.


Observation of the cosmos usually generates fascination .


The study of the cosmos is known as cosmology and encompasses the structure and history of the universe as a whole. This interdisciplinary science includes notions from physics , astronomy , religion , philosophy and esotericism .

It is possible to distinguish between different types of cosmologies. Physical cosmology studies the evolution of the universe from physics, religious cosmology does so from religion, and philosophical cosmology does so from philosophy.

A documentary series, a book and other uses of the term cosmos

"Cosmos" is also a book written by the American Carl Sagan , based on a documentary series that he himself produced and which was titled "Cosmos: a personal journey" .

A total of thirteen episodes were those that gave shape to this audiovisual production that was presented for the first time in the 1980s and was carried out with the clear objective of making astronomy, the universe, known to the general public. , the planets , the different varieties of species and even what space exploration is.

A prestigious Emmy award, among other awards, was received by this aforementioned series, which has become one of the most important in history within what would be scientific dissemination.

Cosmos is also a genus of perennial herbaceous plants, the name of an emblematic skyscraper in the city of Mar del Plata ( Argentina ) and the name of an American soccer team that existed between 1971 and 1985 and that featured stars such as Pelé and Franz Beckenbauer .