Definition of

Supreme Court


The Supreme Court is the highest court of justice in a region.

The Supreme Court is the highest judicial body of a territory . It is the court of last resort, so its decisions cannot be challenged. It should be noted, however, that the concept can be interpreted in different ways depending on the country since, in certain regions, it does not designate the highest court.

Before moving forward with the definition of the concept, we are going to proceed to determine the etymological origin of the two words that compose it and that have the particularity that both emanate from Latin:

  • Corte , first of all, comes from cors and this from cohors , which is made up of two clearly differentiated parts: the prefix co- , which means "union" , and the root hort- , which is used to refer to a place. which is fenced.
  • Supreme, secondly, emanates from supremus . This is the superlative of superus , which indicates that something is above something else.

Concept of Supreme Court

The notion of court has various uses and meanings. It can refer to the action and effect of cutting ; on the edge of a tool; to the wound caused by a sharp element; to the group of people who accompany a king; or to the court of law .

Supreme , for its part, is an adjective that refers to something very high, supreme or that has no superior in its line.

In general, it can be said that the Supreme Court , also known as the Supreme Court , is responsible for interpreting the Constitution and controlling the constitutionality of laws and judicial rulings.

Supreme Court

The functioning of the Supreme Court depends on each country.

The notion according to the country

Take the case of Argentina . The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation , created in 1863 , is the highest court that dispenses justice: its rulings, therefore, cannot be appealed. The Supreme Court , however, can review its own rulings in the event of a motion for reconsideration.

Regarding Spain , we would have to say that the Supreme Court is called the Supreme Court and is the constitutional body that is at the highest part of the judicial hierarchy. It is worth highlighting these other hallmarks of him:

  • It was founded in 1812 .
  • In the only case in which it has another body above it is in matters of constitutional guarantees. The Constitutional Court is in charge of this field.
  • It has its headquarters in Madrid , specifically, in the Palacio de las Salesas Reales , which dates back to the 18th century and is located on Bárbara de Braganza Street.
  • All its members, both the president and the rest of the magistrates , are appointed by the king at the proposal of the General Council of the Judiciary .
  • It has administrative bodies, governmental bodies and jurisdictional bodies. The latter are divided into five chambers: criminal, civil, social, military and contentious-administrative.

The Supreme Court of Chile dates back to 1823 and is also the highest jurisdictional body within the Judicial Branch . It is above the Courts of Appeals , the Guarantee Courts , the Criminal Oral Trial Courts and other bodies.

In the United States , finally, the Supreme Court is at the head of the Judicial Branch . The Chief Justice and the eight Associate Justices are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate , and can only be removed by Congress .