Definition of


CoralThe concept of coral has several uses. When its etymological root is found in the Greek word korállion , it refers to an anthozoan coelenterate animal that forms colonies , in which the specimens are linked to each other through a calcareous polypero.

Coelenterates are species with radiated symmetry that have a single gastrovascular cavity, which has an orifice that functions as an anus and a mouth. As for anthozoans , they are animals with tentacles that, as adults, attach themselves to the bottom of the sea.

Corals, therefore, live attached to the seabed. They typically feed on photosynthetic algae that reside in their tissues , although they can also capture small fish and plankton with their tentacles.

The form of organization of corals is called a polyp . The calcareous structures remain beyond the death of the animals and can end up being colonized by other corals, which in turn create new structures. Thus, over time, coral reefs are formed, which can even emerge from the water due to their large size.

Choral, on the other hand, may come from the Latin chorus . In this case, the term refers to that linked to a choir : a group of individuals who sing in concert and simultaneously.

A choral group , in this way, is made up of several singers with voices that belong to different chords. Choral musical compositions , for their part, are those intended to be performed by several voices.

In a choir we find several types of voices that are grouped into strings and, within each of them, they are divided according to their tessitura (the interval of notes in which the singer is able to move with enough ease and skill to interpret a work appropriately and without damaging your vocal cords).

Among the most important strings of a choral group are the following:

* soprano : this is the voice located in the highest area, and usually belongs to a woman or a child. The normal range of a soprano is around two octaves , starting with the fourth C of the piano and reaching the fifth A , although some singers have considerably wider ranges. In a choir, the soprano is usually in charge of the main melodies;

* mezzo-soprano : is the woman's voice found directly below the soprano. It should be noted that this chord is not usually distinguished in mixed choral groups , but in those of single women;

Coral* contralto : it is the deepest female voice and, curiously, also the rarest. It is so difficult to find a natural contralto that this position in choirs is usually occupied by mezzo-sopranos or sopranos;

* countertenor : it is a man's string whose tessitura is located in any of the three exposed so far;

* tenor : this is the highest male voice, except for the countertenors;

* baritone : has a vocal extension that is below that of the tenor. In mixed choral groups it is located on the "bass" string;

* bass : it is the deepest voice of all.

As mentioned above, in mixed choral groups the strings are not distinguished with such precision, but four large groups are formed: sopranos, contraltos (where the mezzo-sopranos also enter), tenors and basses (where the baritones are located). Each one corresponds to a specific singing line, which when merged with the rest forms chords and reproduces the complete work.

When we talk about a film or a choral story , finally, we refer to the fact that it does not have a single protagonist, but that the role is collective.