Definition of



Acceptance of diversity is essential for peaceful coexistence.

Coexistence is the action of living together (living in the company of another or others). In its broadest meaning, it is a concept linked to the peaceful and harmonious coexistence of human groups in the same space . For example: "The government must guarantee the coexistence of the various ethnic groups without outbreaks of violence," "We have been living together for three months."

The human being is a social being . No person lives absolutely isolated from the rest, since interaction with other individuals is essential for well-being and health . However, coexistence is not always easy, given that certain social, cultural or economic differences, among many other possibilities, can negatively interfere.

Coexistence problems

In certain countries, given the high rental prices for housing, immigrants are forced to share apartments, and coexistence between people of different nationalities can be as enriching as it is complicated. Without a doubt, racism is among the worst ingredients of a life together, and can lead to very regrettable results; On the other hand, living with a person whose nationality has negative connotations for us can become the best way to understand that generalizing is a waste of time and energy , and that a passport does not say much about an individual.

But all the problems are not as serious and deep as contempt for a race; A mere difference in schedules can spark friction and confrontations that hinder coexistence. The same goes for cleaning habits, musical tastes, and culinary customs . In the best of cases, it is always possible to reach an agreement, so that each party adapts to the needs of the others so that no one has to endure annoying or hurtful situations. If dialogue does not work, or if it is concluded that change is not possible, then the best path is a peaceful separation.

Coexistence problems can impact physical health . Some studies show that immigrants have a higher rate of heart disease than native residents, a situation that is explained by the absence of friendship ties and support from family members. Better coexistence, with close social ties, contributes to well-being.


Living together in a shared home requires cooperation in domestic tasks.

The values, the key

Respect and solidarity are two essential values ​​for harmonious coexistence to be possible. Of course, there are different levels or types of coexistence: coexistence with the family within a home is very different from coexistence with other human beings within the framework of a community (a neighborhood, a city), since intimacy In both cases it is incomparable.

Tolerance , empathy and courtesy are essential for a good coexistence. Communication skills in interpersonal relationships are also important to promote mutual understanding .

A good neighborliness , likewise, requires civility and good manners. The code of conduct accepted by society for a healthy coexistence must be respected.

It should be noted that different currents maintain that the consciousness of the Self can only be had from the existence of the Other . In this social interdependence that occurs in coexistence, each person defines themselves.


In a coexistence there are rights and duties.

Types of coexistence

Expanding the idea of ​​types of coexistence, we can say that the basic or most important coexistence is that which occurs in the home . A person can live with their partner, their family, with friends or even with work or study colleagues. This coexistence is lived day by day in everything everyday.

Then a broader type of coexistence can be considered: the one you have with your neighbors . There are frequent interactions with those who reside in the same building or on the same block.

You also live together, in a certain way, with your study and work colleagues, even when you do not share a roof. By spending several hours a day in the same space, a close relationship is established.

In a broad sense, we speak of countries coexisting . The notion refers to the fact that nations must establish a friendly bond with the States that are around them, betting on peaceful means to resolve conflicts.

Benefits of sharing with pets

Various studies have shown that coexistence with animals of other species is very beneficial for human beings, both for their physical and mental health. It is important to surround yourself with individuals who have not been corrupted by the desire for power, who do not attack their peers, who live based on respect and compassion; and people do not usually have these virtues.

Living with dogs, for example, teaches us lessons in loyalty and consideration on a daily basis. Furthermore, since these are animals that do not demand much more than love and respect, they make us more sensitive and help us let go of material goods. Part of living with these creatures includes going for a walk a minimum of twice a day, so they can exercise and interact with other living beings; This activity inevitably brings us closer to nature , distances us from pollution and superficiality and helps us remember where we come from.