Definition of

Radioactive contamination


Radioactive contamination can reach soil and pass into food.

The concept of pollution comes from the Latin word contaminatio . The term refers to the act and result of contaminating : modifying, in a harmful way and through the action of physical or chemical agents, the natural or normal state of something.

What is classified as radioactive , on the other hand, is that which has radioactivity . This notion is used in the field of physics to refer to those bodies that develop a radiation emission when their atoms disintegrate spontaneously .

What is radioactive contamination

Radioactive contamination is an alteration that occurs when radioactive substances appear in the environment or in a body . This phenomenon can be generated by the presence of artificial or natural radioisotopes .

Artificial radioactive isotopes are those that are not naturally found in the crust of planet Earth : their formation is due to some activity carried out by humans . Natural radioisotopes, on the other hand, have existed since the planet was formed or have continuously developed spontaneously. When the atmospheric concentration is higher than usual, we speak of radioactive contamination.


Nuclear bombs produce radioactive contamination.

Causes and consequences

Radioactive contamination may be due to the handling of radioactive materials , nuclear bomb tests or attacks, or failures in nuclear plants , for example. This contamination can occur in water or soil, reach food or even reach people either superficially or even internally, to name a few possibilities.

In this framework, a person can become contaminated by breathing a radioactive element or eating food with radioactivity. If the soil is contaminated, the radioactivity passes to the crops and can thus enter the body.

The effects of radioactive contamination depend on its level. If a subject comes into contact with the radioactive substance, they may suffer various damages since poisoning by ionizing radiation affects cell division .

In some cases, radioactive contamination causes burns , nausea , and vomiting . It also affects the development of cancer and the appearance of bone marrow disorders . At the highest doses, it can cause death .

Spread and control of radioactive contamination

The spread of radioactive contamination can occur in multiple ways. A contaminated person is capable of spreading contamination with actions as simple as walking inside a home or touching an object.

Polluting agents can even be on clothing and come off easily, affecting the environment. Another possibility of spread occurs through the expulsion of body fluids from an individual who already suffers from contamination.

It is important to note that detecting radioactive contamination is complex since it cannot be smelled or seen. If contamination is suspected, it is essential to leave the area , remove your clothing and bathe.

If internal contamination is found, a medical professional should indicate the steps to follow. The usual thing is that a medication is provided that allows a reduction in the presence of the radioactive substance in the body.