Definition of


pregnancy conservatism

Conservatism usually opposes abortion.

Conservatism is the characteristic doctrine of conservative political parties . The term also allows us to refer to the conservative position regarding ideas .

Maintain current state

To understand what conservatism is, therefore, we must first focus on the notion of conservative. This adjective is used to describe the inclination to safeguard and protect traditions and the current social order .

Conservatism, in this framework, implies the defense of the status quo . It aims to keep the state of things unchanged, opposing major modifications and innovations.

Contrary to progressivism

Opposite to progressivism , conservatism rejects economic, social and political changes . Their aspiration is to avoid radical reforms and prevent any type of revolution.

Due to its characteristics, it can be said that conservatism is a reactionary and right-wing position . It generally seeks to sustain and promote the values ​​of religion , clinging to the most traditional and even archaic moral precepts.

Although there are different currents, conservatism is usually based on the defense of private property and the repression of dissident demonstrations as a mechanism to promote social cohesion . In any case, he postulates the importance of individual freedom.

As an example, it is possible to affirm that today's conservatism does not approve of the legalization of the voluntary interruption of pregnancy or the production, marketing and consumption of cannabis , to mention two issues that are being debated in various nations. Nor does it support the advancement of feminism , since gender equality requires a renewal of social structures.

Conservatism and life

As we mentioned above, conservatism generally does not agree with abortion, but its ideas have a relationship with life that also extends to stem cell research and euthanasia, two other procedures it opposes. The preservation of individual freedoms is another objective of this type of conservatism, especially when it comes to values ​​that have originated in the nation's own tradition and are associated with its cultural traits.

It should be noted that not all parties that identify with conservatism have the same points of view on these or other issues. Despite this, at a historical level it is undeniable that it has always had a tendency opposite to the "destruction" of human life , so that any proposal that includes this condition does not have much future.

Conservatism and family

The structure of the family is one of the most important issues at a social level, which is the subject of discussions with two opposing positions: those that demand respect for one that does not respond to traditions, with characteristics such as single parents or marriages made up of people from the same sex; those who simply accept families made up of father, mother and children.

family conservatism

The conservative view of family usually accepts only heterosexual marriage.

Conservatism rejects the separation of marriage, especially divorce , but also marital relationship without a marital bond (what is known as concubinage ). He not only opposes gay marriage, but also same-sex adoption, as it opposes the traditional image of the family they are trying to protect. It is worth mentioning that, curiously, there are also conservatives who do respect the LGBT community to a certain extent.

Another of the fundamental points for conservatism when dealing with the ideal form of family is the so-called adultcentrism , that is, a relationship that gives the adult the power to exercise it over the minor, being for the latter a model to follow in all aspects of life.