Definition of



Reading contributes to the acquisition of knowledge.

Knowledge is a set of information stored through experience or learning ( a posteriori ), or through introspection ( a priori ). In the broadest sense of the term, it is the possession of multiple interrelated data that, when taken alone, have a lower qualitative value.

For the Greek philosopher Plato , knowledge is that which is necessarily true ( episteme ). On the other hand, belief and opinion ignore the reality of things, so they are part of the realm of the probable and the apparent.

Knowledge characteristics

Knowledge has its origin in sensory perception , then reaches understanding and finally concludes in reason . It is said that knowledge is a relationship between a subject and an object . The knowledge process involves four elements: subject , object , operation , and internal representation (the cognitive process).

Science considers that, to achieve knowledge, it is necessary to follow a method. Scientific knowledge must not only be valid and consistent from a logical point of view, but it must also be proven by the scientific or experimental method.

The systematic way of generating knowledge has two stages: basic research , where theory is advanced; and applied research , where the information is applied.

Classification according to type

When knowledge can be transmitted from one subject to another through formal communication, we speak of explicit knowledge . On the other hand, if knowledge is difficult to communicate and is related to personal experiences or mental models, it is implicit knowledge .

To acquire new knowledge there are, therefore, several possible paths . On the one hand, there are those that we involuntarily incorporate at every moment, as part of our development: all those fundamental actions for living, which include the use of cutlery when eating, personal hygiene and even running and jumping. We didn't choose to learn those things, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.


Adults have a key role in transmitting knowledge to children.

At this point, the influence of an adult is necessary, which in some cases is exercised by parents, in others by teachers, family members or legal guardians. But from our early childhood we can show more or less desire to learn things beyond the basics, and this is how many vocations arise: boys and girls who, without apparent explanation, approach a piano, a canvas, or who display a peculiar skill with a ball, and they begin a special path of exploration.

Already in adulthood, study becomes much more structured , even for those who choose alternative paths, typical of self-taught. Thanks to the experience we acquire in childhood, we know that certain practices are especially suitable for concentrating, that we should not exceed the number of hours in a row, that it is advisable to contrast concepts using at least two different sources and that the greatest richness is found in putting knowledge into practice. No matter what field we operate in, theory is never enough.

The fixation and transmission of knowledge

Various psychological and medical studies show us that knowledge is fixed much more firmly in our brain if we accompany the learning process with certain physical actions , whether speaking, moving parts of the body or singing, among others. There are those who believe that reading aloud is detrimental to memorization, and this is a matter of debate because personal preferences come into play; However, for new words or short texts, complementing silent reading with oral repetition can help us remember them.

Sharing knowledge is an act as generous as it is beneficial, because by passing on our wisdom to others we also reveal the blank spaces and errors. By receiving a response from the other, we have the opportunity to improve, constantly and dynamically moving from the role of teacher to that of student.