Definition of



A commotion is a violent disturbance.

A concussion is a violent movement or disturbance of the mind or body . The term comes from the Latin commotio .

Shock occurs after a strong impact . This blow can be both physical and emotional.


A concussion is an injury that causes a disruption of normal brain function due to trauma. After an episode of this nature, the consequences may include loss of consciousness.

There are various causes that can cause a concussion. Among the most common is any impact that causes the brain to bounce against the skull: a car accident, a fall, a blow, etc. For example: "The Ferrari driver suffered a concussion when he crashed into a wall at more than 200 kilometers per hour" , "The blows inflicted by the thugs caused a concussion and the victim remains hospitalized for observation" , "The grandfather Javier fell and hit his head hard: he had a concussion, but he has recovered .

Many times, the factors that can increase the chances of suffering a concussion are certain injuries to the skull caused by blows that, when they occur, do not receive sufficient attention, due to not showing obvious sequelae. This is very common during the practice of certain sports, such as soccer, or activities that put the body at risk, such as forced labor or traveling at high speeds. On the other hand, there is the intake of alcohol and certain medications and the lack of sleep.


Concussion can occur from trauma.

Symptoms and treatments

Among its symptoms , which can remain for periods of more than a month, we can mention: difficulty understanding reality, forgetting the details of the event that caused the shock, headaches and neck discomfort, deficiency in concentration and organization of the mind. daily life, fatigue and sleep disturbances. Likewise, sensitivity to sounds and light increases, which leads to a loss of visual clarity and the perception of constant noises that contribute to general discomfort.

The treatment indicated for recovery from a concussion usually includes reducing stressful activities or activities that require great physical effort, avoiding the consumption of medications that have not been expressly prescribed after diagnosis and avoiding a new injury by all means. It is always advisable to have adult supervision to act in situations such as excessive sleeping.

Internal commotion

In some countries, an exceptional resource of the Executive Branch that allows it to act in cases of serious alterations of public order , which generate situations that are difficult or impossible to control by law, is known as internal commotion . This is an emergency declaration that can affect certain regions or the country as a whole and can last up to three months.

During this 90-day period, the Head of State has the possibility of taking measures such as repealing certain provisions. For its part, Congress has the right to study the President's decision, using a document issued by him, during the three days following the declaration of internal commotion. Likewise, once the emergency situation ends, the chambers have the power to make modifications, additions and repeals to any decree that has been issued during it.

Other uses of the term

Shock can also be a mental disturbance due to news or a surprise: "When I found out the news, I felt a great shock and began to scream," "The woman listened to the police officer and was paralyzed: the shock was so great that she couldn't even "He didn't even burst into tears."

Commotion, finally, can be an uprising or tumult in a town or city: "The commotion in Villa San Martín has forced the mayor to resign" , "The security forces were forced to intervene due to the commotion of the protesters" .