Definition of



Confusion is associated with perplexity.

Confusion is the action and effect of confusing (mixing or merging different things, disturbing people's minds, making mistakes). The notion of confusion, which comes from the Latin confusĭo , can be linked to perplexity or disturbance of mind .

For example: “After the coup, the player was left in a state of confusion that lasted several hours,” “Tear gas contributed to the general confusion: people screamed and ran in terror,” “It is impossible to avoid confusion after a tragedy of this kind.”

Confusion according to psychology and medicine

For psychology , mental confusion is the decrease in conscious activity . It may be a loss of orientation or memory , a slight cloudiness or a state of stupor.

Within the psychological and medical field, we can establish that confusion of this type can be due to a multitude of causes. However, among the most common are fever, a head injury, a disease such as a brain tumor, alcohol intake, infections, lack of sleep or seizures.

In order to know if someone is confused, the usual thing is to ask them for very simple information that they should know how to answer without any problems, such as their name and surname, age or the date of that same day. Hence, if you have doubts when answering, it is clear that you are suffering from confusion.

If so, what you have to do is take the person to the doctor as well as not leave them alone at any time and try to remain calm at all times so that they do not get nervous.


A confusion can be a mistake.

a mistake

A confusion, on the other hand, is an error or mistake.

“Excuse me, sir, there was a mistake: your appointment was tomorrow at 5 p.m.”, “I had to go to grandma's house but, due to a mix-up, I took the wrong train and ended up on the other side of the city”“A young man died due to a fatal mistake by a doctor who applied more than twice the anesthesia required”son expresiones que muestran esta acepción.

The concept of confusion in other areas

In addition to all of the above, it must be emphasized that the use of the term confusion is also frequent within the field of statistics. In this case, that is used to refer to a variable that is used when analyzing a relationship. We can say that this is external to this and that it requires convenient control since it produces various ruptures between what would be the independent and dependent variables.

In the field of law , confusion is a way of extinguishing obligations that occurs when, for a certain reason, the two opposing positions of an obligation occur. Confusion can occur by donation (a contract that generates obligations and rights inverse to those that already exist), succession (after the death of a person who leaves an inheritance) or subrogation.

An example of confusion in law occurs when a subject is a creditor and a debtor with respect to the same debt. The consequences of this situation include the disappearance of the rights and obligations affected by the conclusion.

Likewise, there are various films that use the word we are talking about in their titles. This would be the case of “Divine confusion” , a 2008 Mexican comedy belonging to director Salvador Garcini .