Definition of


emotional support

Emotional support and companionship are present when there is trust in a relationship.

Trust is the firm security or hope that someone has about another individual or something. It is also about self-conceit (associated in this case with self-esteem ) and the courage or vigor to act.

For example: "This man doesn't inspire confidence in me, I don't think I'm going to accept the deal," "Juan gave her his trust and she betrayed him," "I have the confidence necessary to defeat my rival."

Trust, belief and familiarity

For social psychology and sociology , trust is a hypothesis made about the future behavior of others. It is a belief that a person will be able to act in a certain way in a certain situation: "I am going to tell my father everything, I trust that he will understand me and help me."

In this sense, trust can be strengthened or weakened according to the other person's actions. In the previous example, if the father helps his son, trust will be strengthened; Otherwise, trust will be betrayed and, in the future, the child will most likely not act in the same way.

This trust provides support . Collaboration , cooperation , understanding and commitment of the other are expected thanks to the existence of an emotional connection and empathy in interpersonal relationships.

Trust, also, can refer to familiarity in treatment : "You don't need to comb your hair every time I go to your house, we already have enough trust," "How dare you talk to me like that?" I never gave you such confidence .

That trust occurs in friendship and kinship . People, when they are in a framework of trust, act with authenticity and sincerity since they know that they will encounter understanding and tolerance from others.

Trust or familiarity also represents a guarantee of confidentiality , privacy and discretion . What is expressed or done in an environment of trust remains there, without being made public. Someone in confidence lets their emotions emerge, shares their feelings and can even confess secrets; In another area, said behaviors are not carried out, a censorship that works as a protection mechanism.

Work meeting

For teamwork to be successful, each member must have trust in the other and relationships must be developed within a framework of respect.

Suspension of uncertainty

Trust, in short, involves a suspension, at least temporarily, of uncertainty regarding the actions of others.

When someone trusts another, they believe that they can predict their actions and behaviors. Trust, therefore, simplifies social relationships.

Such suspension of uncertainty can be associated with codes of ethics, good practices and other factors that contribute to credibility in a community. When someone trusts something or another individual, they understand that there is stability in their actions, so interactions are based on reliability.

This is very important, especially in public image . A politician, to mention one case, must show himself as someone trustworthy if he intends to build leadership and have the support of the population. You have to be able to show people that, when it comes to your work, there is no uncertainty: you are not going to do anything unforeseen or unexpected.


Trust is key in a couple, both in a courtship that is just beginning and in a decades-long marriage.

Abuse and the vote of confidence

It is possible to find a series of terms that also use the concept that we are now analyzing. This would be the case of the expression "abuse of trust" . What we want to express with it is that someone to whom another person has supported and given credit at all times has taken advantage of that circumstance, consciously or unconsciously, to harm or mock her .

In the same way, we cannot ignore that there is another term, which similarly uses the word that concerns us now. It is a "vote of confidence" . With this expression what we want to make clear is that someone authorizes another person to carry out a specific action.

The concept in politics

The idea of ​​trust is also used in the political sphere. And it establishes that, within legislative chambers, their members give their support and acceptance to the actions that the reigning government is carrying out in a specific area or situation. In the same way, it is also used to refer to when they give authorization to the government entity to undertake certain tasks.

Precisely within the aforementioned political sector, there is also the expression "question of trust" . This refers to a process by which the head of state or the government is analyzed by the rest of the members of the legislative chamber to, through a corresponding vote, decide whether or not they should continue carrying out their functions.