Definition of



A conduit can be a channel where a fluid circulates.

A conduit is a channel that allows water and other fluids or objects to pass, move and have an exit. The term has its origin in the Latin word conductus ( "led" ).

For example: "We have to call a plumber since the bathroom duct is clogged" , "The air conditioning unit has a duct that it uses to drain and that must always be kept clean to avoid problems in operation" , "The cat "It got into the air duct and we had to ask the firefighters for help to get it out."

Ducts in the body

Ducts are also the tubes or channels that are found in the bodies of living beings and that guarantee the development of multiple physiological functions. One of these tubes is the so-called mammary duct , present in women to ensure that milk passes from the mammary lobes to the nipple.

The nasolacrimal duct , for its part, carries tears from the lacrimal sac to the nasal cavity. Another important canal is the external auditory canal , a cavity in the ear that has the function of making sounds travel through the pinna and reach the eardrum.

In men , the seminiferous ducts are those where sperm are produced. The ejaculatory ducts , on the other hand, are what allow the semen to reach the penis, where it is expelled.

And all this without forgetting what is known as the cystic duct , which is the one responsible for releasing all the products that circulate through the gallbladder, or the so-called vas deferens, which is the one found in each of the testicles of the male human being and whose clear function is to function as an ejaculator and excretor.

The hepatic which is in the liver, the inguinal which is in the abdomen or the spinal which can be found in the spinal cord are other ducts that are also part of the anatomy of the body of a man or a woman.


In the human body there are different ducts.

Authorization to circulate

On the other hand, we must highlight the existence of a term that uses the concept we are analyzing as an integral part. We are referring to the word safe conduct , which is that document that is issued by a competent authority and whose clear objective is that the person who possesses it can circulate through a dangerous territory without running any type of risk because that authority has weight and is recognized. in said area.

Thus, for example, during the Middle Ages it was common for monarchs to make this type of document to grant to their knights or vassals with the clear objective that they could pass through the different cities of their kingdom without anything or anyone endangering their lives. lives.

In addition to this, we can also state that safe conduct is that freedom that is given to someone to do something without fear of being punished.

Conduit, in this framework, is the intervention of a person to resolve a matter: "The official managed to leave the country through the mayor of the city, who interceded with the border authorities," "The conduit that your father gave us "It was a great help."