Definition of



Condiments allow food to be seasoned.

A condiment is an ingredient that is used to season different foods and enhance their flavor . Originating in the Latin condimentum , the word refers to the substance or mixture already prepared, which can be fermented or stored in a preserved form, which is generally added to food at the time of ingestion.

Also known as dressings , there are dry seasonings (such as spices and grated cheese ) and liquid seasonings (such as sauces or lemon juice ). Condiments can be homemade and artisanal or purchased in stores. There are even condiments that are offered in individual containers and that can be transported without conservation problems.

Most popular condiments

The most consumed condiments worldwide are salt , pepper , oil and vinegar . These four condiments can be used in almost any food, in greater or lesser proportions.

Other very popular condiments are mayonnaise (an emulsified sauce based on egg, olive oil, salt and a few drops of lemon juice or vinegar), mustard (a spicy- flavored condiment that is produced with the seeds of plants of the genus Brassica) and ketchup or ketchup (tomato sauce seasoned with vinegar, sugar, salt and various spices), which are used in sandwiches or to accompany hamburgers and sausages, for example.

Soy sauce , a traditional condiment in Japan , has acquired a large presence in numerous countries in recent years. It is a product that arises when soybeans are fermented with wheat that has been roasted and cracked. These grains are distributed in blocks and are repeatedly immersed in a cold broth composed of salt and water. This procedure lasts for around twelve months and there are occasions in which mushrooms are added to enhance the flavor.


Salt is the most used seasoning.

The benefits of oregano

Oregano is another of the most widely used condiments in the world, as it is the perfect companion for pizzas, sauces of various types, whether tomato or cream , salads, meats, etc. However, following a discovery that took place at the University of Bonn , Germany , in conjunction with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich , its fame has grown even more.

It turns out that outside of the culinary field, one of its virtues is that it helps relieve inflammation . The secret lies in beta-caryophyllin (E-BCP), present in a wide variety of natural herbs and spices, such as black pepper, basil , rosemary and, of course, oregano. This active ingredient not only serves to treat external and medium-sized disorders, but could theoretically combat arteriosclerosis and osteoporosis .

Although this substance cannot be consumed in large quantities, it does not cause poisoning, unlike others that have similar purposes. Furthermore, there are no risks of brain damage as a result of ingesting it, which also occurs with other natural healing products associated with the word narcotics . As if all this were not enough, it is found in abundance in nature.

Other meanings of the term condiment

Another meaning of the word condiment can be used when talking about a literary work, a television program or a movie, for example, to refer to certain elements that help shape the story, either by collaborating with the main structure or trying to break with it. the general climate to give the public a break in the middle of a very tragic scene.

In this way, it can be said that the action, the enigmas, the humor, are condiments that add to the flavor of a work.