Definition of



There are medical conditions that require the concomitant supply of different medications.

The etymological origin of the term concomitant that concerns us now is found in Latin. Specifically, it derives from the word “concomitari”. It is a verb that is formed from the sum of two clearly delimited elements such as these:

-The prefix “con-”, which means “together”.

-The verb “comiari”, which can be translated as “accompany”.

This concept came to our language as concomitant , an adjective that is used to name that which arises or intervenes in conjunction with something else .

For example: “The director of the municipal hospital reported that the patient is being treated for hepatitis while receiving concomitant treatment for HIV,” “The accountant told me that both tax receipts have to be issued concomitantly,” “The increase in “Productivity should be reflected in a concomitant increase in profits.”

The concomitant in a romantic relationship

In the same way, we can establish that this term is also used within the field of couple relationships. Specifically, it can be indicated that a boy and a girl begin dating and become lovers because different concomitant circumstances have occurred that have allowed it to happen. We are referring to the fact that they have met, that they have been physically attracted to each other, that they share tastes and hobbies and even that they have ideas in common.

Starting from that, it can also happen that a couple decides to put an end to their love story because concomitant factors have occurred that have led to making that decision. Thus, it may happen that not only were they estranged but also that they were no longer in love, their life as a couple was routine, they barely communicated, they did not share leisure time together...


In the field of police investigations, there is often talk of concomitant circumstances.

The concept in medicine

The concept is usually used in the field of medicine when two treatments are developed or several drugs are administered simultaneously .

Suppose a person suffers from diabetes and hypertension. Both disorders require treatment: that is why the doctor may tell you to take two remedies concomitantly. This means that the patient will take a pill for diabetes and another pill for hypertension, without choosing one or the other.

The concomitant in other areas

The technical director of a football team, for his part, can develop several concomitant strategies with the aim of ensuring that his players perform well on the playing field. In this framework, a training day can include physical work sessions, tactical talks, the showing of videos to analyze rivals and even meetings with a psychologist. These are activities that are not mutually exclusive, but rather concomitant: they are all part of the routine of the team in question by decision of its coach.

In the police field, finally, we talk about concomitant circumstances . These are indications that take place during the execution of the investigated conduct, specifically from the beginning to the consummation. They manifest themselves through footprints, blood stains, injuries...