Definition of



Conception and fertilization can be used synonymously.

From the Latin conceptio , the term conception refers to the action and effect of conceiving . In biology , it is the fusion of two sexual cells to give rise to the zygote cell, where the union of the chromosomes of the man (or male ) and the woman ( female ) is found. In this sense, the idea of ​​conception is synonymous with fertilization .

With the union of the male gamete ( sperm ) and the female gamete ( ovum ), the zygote is formed and then the embryo that will develop until birth. In human beings, after fertilization occurs, a nine-month pregnancy occurs; in horses, after 11 months and in dogs, after two. This means that each mammal has its own times of fertilization and development within the mother's womb .

Fertility period in women

Although we are used to hearing about unwanted pregnancies, it is important to keep in mind that conceiving is not as simple as it seems; For many women who want to have children, it takes between six months and a year to achieve it.

For a woman to become pregnant, it is necessary for her to have sexual intercourse during her fertile days , which are determined by the time at which ovulation occurs.

Design possibilities

Conception is possible only if when the woman is ovulating , one of the eggs she releases meets a sperm in the passage of the fallopian tubes. Therefore, once a woman begins to menstruate, it is impossible for her to become pregnant, since the egg can no longer be fertilized; Furthermore, the hostile environment of the uterus will prevent the passage of sperm and, therefore, their subsequent survival.

It is important to mention that there are women who claim to have become pregnant at this time when in reality what has happened is that they have confused bleeding, which is linked to the moment of ovulation . A loss that is called "spotting" and is characterized by being brief and containing mucous residue.


After fertilization, the gestation time depends on each species.

Calculating the moment

A good way to know the right time for conception is to count 14 days from the moment your period starts. Days 13 and 15 are the most suitable to promote pregnancy . It is important to remember that eggs live less time than sperm, up to 24 and 72 hours, respectively; which makes it possible for pregnancy to take place even if intercourse has been maintained for up to three days prior to the moment of egg release.

It should be noted that it is extremely important that when someone decides to bring a child into this world, they must think about all the aspects that make up the existence of that new life; Be aware of whether you are in a position to provide everything necessary to grow happy and healthy . You can also consider the possibility of adopting and giving someone who is living in tragic conditions the same care and love.

Conception in religion

Another use of the word Conception , when capitalized, refers to the Immaculate Conception . It is a Catholic dogma that maintains that Mary , the mother of Jesus , was born without original sin, that is, free of sin.

It is worth clarifying that the Immaculate Conception does not refer, unlike what is usually believed, to the virginal motherhood of Mary .

Name of different regions

Concepción is also the name given to various Latin American geographical regions. In Argentina , there are two departments with that name (in Misiones and Corrientes ) and several cities and towns. One of the most important is Concepción del Uruguay , in Entre Ríos , which has about 65,000 inhabitants.

In Chile , Concepción is a city and province with more than 200,000 inhabitants, famous for its historical importance.

Bolivia, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru y Venezuela son otros countries que tienen alguna localidad, ciudad, municipio, provincia o departamento con este nombre.