Definition of

Non-verbal communication


Non-verbal communication is carried out without resorting to speech.

Non-verbal communication is a communicative process that involves an exchange of messages without resorting to speech . The idea of ​​speech , meanwhile, refers to the faculty that makes the emission of words possible.

It is important to keep in mind that the act and result of communicating or communicating (sending and receiving signals through a code shared by the sender and receiver) is called communication . The term comes from the Latin word communicatio .

The verbal , meanwhile, refers to what is linked to the word . This is the name given to the linguistic unit separated from the rest by blank spaces in writing and by interruptions in pronunciation. Words usually have meaning (sense).

Characteristics of non-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication is carried out through elements such as body position , gestures and movements . Contrary to popular belief, more information is transmitted through non-verbal communication than through words .

It is important to note that non-verbal communication is not equivalent to non-oral communication . Writing , for example, is a communication system that is not oral, but verbal (it uses words).

Another relevant consideration is that non-verbal communication can arise depending on the environment or have a physiological cause . Many times it is not developed consciously, although in other cases it is used as a resource to enhance a verbal message, being a paralinguistic tool .

Various specialists maintain that non-verbal communication, in a face-to-face interaction, is omnipresent . This is because you cannot "not communicate" , but rather the body and face always add signals to what is being said.


Distance from the interlocutor, gestures and hand movements are part of non-verbal communication.

Some examples

Examples of non-verbal communication within the framework of a conversation are numerous. There are experts who even dedicate themselves to analyzing these factors to reinterpret the content transmitted verbally.

Suppose that, when answering a question, a person averts his gaze and stops observing his interlocutor. At the same time, start moving your legs . These actions are part of non-verbal communication and can be interpreted as the subject not answering truthfully.

Let us now take the case of a woman who, upon hearing her boss speak, raises her eyebrows . With this gestural reaction he may be indicating that he does not believe in their words or that he is surprised by them.

The distance established with the interlocutor , the tone of the voice and the location of the arms are also issues that affect non-verbal communication. Controlling these types of details is key to successfully transmitting the message, giving it the specific meaning that is intended to be given.

Even clothing plays an important role in non-verbal communication. When attending a work meeting, to mention one possibility, arriving in formal attire does not communicate the same as wearing a soccer team shirt. The chosen aesthetic, in this context, positions the individual in a certain symbolic place.

Non-verbal communication training

Many educational institutions offer careers, courses and workshops linked to non-verbal communication. These proposals aim to train specialists who know how to interpret the non-linguistic tools that produce meaning , understanding their operation.

The Austral University of Argentina , through its Graduate School of Communication , is a university that teaches the Diploma in Non-Verbal Communication . Throughout ten classes , students manage to develop social skills that contribute to their good professional performance.

This diploma promotes learning about the meanings that are transmitted through body language , whether one's own or that of others. Furthermore, it focuses on how non-verbal communication integrates with verbal communication efficiently in different situations .