Definition of

Intrapersonal communication


When an individual talks to himself, he establishes intrapersonal communication.

Intrapersonal communication is that which an individual carries out with himself . This assumes that the sender and receiver of the message are the same subject .

It should be noted that communication is a term that comes from the Latin word communicatio and refers to the act and result of communicating or communicating: developing the transmission of signals through a shared code.

Intrapersonal , meanwhile, is a notion that does not appear in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), although its meaning is clear when examining its components. The prefix intra- refers to being inside or within something; Personal , meanwhile, is that linked to a person (a human being).

What is intrapersonal communication

Intrapersonal communication is the communication that a human being develops inside . It can be indicated that it is a relationship between the individual and his conscience , since in this process he questions himself to carry out an analysis or reach a conclusion.

This communication has the peculiarity of being unilateral because other people do not participate. It is generally not planned, but arises due to certain circumstances and cannot be avoided.

Although intrapersonal communication is specific to the individual, it often generates external effects. In this sense, it should be noted that this communication can lead to the adoption of a certain social behavior or the subsequent establishment of interpersonal or group communication .


Intrapersonal communication contributes to reflection and self-knowledge.

Its usefulness

The usefulness of intrapersonal communication revolves around self-knowledge . Through this type of communication, it is possible to detect one's strengths and weaknesses, thereby optimizing the ability to adapt to the environment.

Intrapersonal communication promotes reflection , helps develop skills and can even contribute to motivation . However, in some cases, the effects of intrapersonal communication are negative or harmful: this is evident if, from these dialogues with oneself, anxieties and fears arise or self-esteem is attacked.

Development of intrapersonal communication

Various events and stimuli can trigger intrapersonal communication. A reading, something heard or seen, an experience or a memory are factors that sometimes lead someone to “dialogue” with themselves.

Typically, intrapersonal communication does not have externalization. Therefore, it occurs in the person 's mind. However, there are those who express their thoughts out loud when they are alone, so that intrapersonal communication has an external manifestation.

Suppose a man is reading a self-help book . As you progress with reading, you begin to relate the contents to your experiences. This is how intrapersonal communication arises as the reader reflects on what he has read and analyzes how to apply the author's advice to his own life.

Let us now take the case of a woman who feels anxiety and fear when driving, although she has the necessary practical and theoretical knowledge and has the corresponding license. To encourage herself, when she gets into her car, she begins to tell herself: “You know how to do this, everything will be fine, drive calmly and there will be no problem.” Intrapersonal communication, in this way, is a resource that helps you overcome a psychological barrier.