Definition of



Keeping your word is essential when making a commitment.

A commitment is an obligation that has been contracted or a word already given. For example: "Tomorrow at five in the afternoon I'll stop by your house, it's a commitment." Etymologically, commitment derives from the Latin term compromissum .

Sometimes a commitment is a promise or a statement of principles , as when a man in political office says , "My commitment is to the people" or "I have made a commitment to resolve this issue within the week."

On the other hand, the concept of commitment also refers to a difficulty : "I am in the middle of a commitment." Another use related to this notion has to do with couples in love who decide to plan a life together and get married ( "Our engagement was in 1983" ). The commitment is, furthermore, the delegation that is carried out to attribute various ecclesiastical or civil positions with the purpose of appointing the one with the most merits.

Commitment as a path to a goal

It is said that a person is committed to something when they are responsible and fulfill their obligations, with what they have proposed or with what has been entrusted to them. That is to say, he lives, plans and reacts correctly to carry out a project , a family, work , his studies, etc.

For there to be a commitment there must be knowledge . No one can be committed to doing something if they are unaware of the aspects of that commitment and the obligations it entails. In any case, a person is considered to be truly committed to a project when they act with discipline in pursuit of achieving objectives above what is expected.

It is usually indicated that a person is committed when he or she is fully involved in a task with absolute dedication , putting all his or her abilities to carry out an activity or project and in this way contribute with his or her effort to the normal functioning of a group, society. or company .


The commitment of a couple is usually sealed with alliances .

The notion in a family group

In a family there may be different degrees of commitment, according to the role that each person occupies within the group. Parents have the obligation not only to ensure their children the material means of subsistence, but also spiritual ones: they must accompany them, support them, talk and play with them.

Those who are in a relationship or a marriage, meanwhile, have a commitment to their partner . The members of the couple must have a relationship of mutual respect , remain faithful , fuel love and take care of all aspects of the bond, go for walks together, enjoy shared time, be affectionate and protect each other. So there is a mutual commitment .

Children also have responsibilities in the family since they must respect their parents, being honest with them and being willing to help them when they ask. At the same time, they have responsibilities with their brothers, of respect, brotherhood and loyalty . They even have a commitment to their peers (friends) whom they must care for and love and cultivate that friendship with small gestures every day.

Law and commitment

In the field of law , a commitment or an arbitration clause is a stipulation contained in a contract , through which the parties agree to submit to arbitration the differences that arise from the fulfillment or interpretation of said contract or a will.

The term is used to refer to any type of agreement in which each of the parties assumes certain obligations. Therefore, a commitment can be defined as a contract that does not need to be written.

In this way, a commitment can be used as a synonym for an agreement or pact , although it must be taken into account that it aims to describe the adoption of a specific legal obligation and not the accumulation of duties and rights understood as a whole.


Social commitment is important for the well-being of a community.

Responsible citizens

For its part, civic commitment encompasses the responsibilities of all the people who make up a society and the capabilities they possess as a group. This commitment is essential for the collaboration of all citizens, not only those who govern but also those who are governed.

When talking about civic commitment, at first glance we can understand the normal and voluntary activity of a person, however there are different ways in which this is presented, such as civic value, collective participation in objectives for the entire group or for some community sector, donations and associations that defend citizenship issues.

This means that all people, as citizens , have a commitment to the rest of society that involves compliance with the laws, cooperation with productive development and, above all, the willingness to collaborate with solidarity for the benefit of the entire community of which they are part of, in order to achieve coexistence in order and harmony.

Types of commitment

The types of commitment are very varied and appear in different areas, as we already indicated. In fact, the same person assumes different commitments throughout their life, and many of them are even simultaneous.

There is usually a personal commitment to oneself to act in accordance with moral values ​​and be consistent with them. Ethics also establishes what the goals or priorities should be, so directing actions in that sense allows us to have a clear conscience .

Family commitment , meanwhile, implies being loyal to all members of the group, guaranteeing their care , providing them with protection and support , and ensuring their well-being. On the other hand, there must be a social commitment or community commitment that leads to making a sacrifice or effort to contribute to collective progress.

Professional commitment or work commitment is also associated with being responsible in the workplace, behaving honestly and aiming to comply with the requirements of the activity.

When an individual acts without commitment, on the contrary, he does so without desire and neglecting those issues that he must attend to. In these cases, a lack of perseverance , sincerity , altruism and generosity appears, to mention a few shortcomings.