Definition of



Being accommodating in parenting has positive aspects.

Complacent is an adjective that allows us to refer to someone or something that pleases or that is pleased . Pleasing, for its part, mentions the action of causing pleasure or satisfaction to someone .

A compliant person , therefore, is one who agrees to what another wants, so that it is pleasant or useful to them. For example: “I don't like complacent women who always say yes,” “You don't have to be complacent with your mother,” “I'm tired of judges who are complacent with the powerful.”

Criticism of the complacent person

The notion of accommodating usually has a pejorative or derogatory connotation . It is understood that, if someone always agrees to the requirements of others, they are not able to assert their position or defend their interests, but simply give in to the preferences of others, neglecting their own.

That is why it is said that a political leader cannot be complacent with any sector, since he cannot privilege partial interests but must ensure the well-being of the majority.


In sexuality, someone who is complacent seeks to satisfy his or her partner.

Positive aspects

In some cases, however, you can be complacent to avoid causing harm to another person . This may be related to white lies, since it is a resource that, given the possibility of hurting another person if we tell the truth, allows them to be happy without either party losing anything in the process.

During the upbringing of human beings, as well as the rest of the animal species, it is important to establish certain limits for the little ones to prevent them from becoming irresponsible and inconsiderate people; Depending on the culture and beliefs of each family group, children learn to share their belongings, to value the efforts of others, to give thanks and ask for forgiveness, among many other basic life lessons to function in a society.

This does not mean that children cannot be rewarded when they do things well, or even encourage them to improve through spontaneous gifts, which do not necessarily have to be material. Just as in the case of white lies , it is often productive to be accommodating to people in the development stage, to prevent them from becoming frustrated in certain situations that are very difficult to overcome, in the hope that the extra charge of positive energy will help them. to finally tear down the walls that hold them back momentarily.

Be accommodating in parenting

But as with all things related to the mind and growth, complacency can have its negative consequences, especially if practiced in excess or at the wrong time. Here the concept of spoiling comes into play, whose meaning is associated with being too permissive with a minor, which usually leads to dangerous behaviors during adolescence and, in the worst cases, throughout adulthood.

Being too accommodating with a child can accustom him to receiving what he asks for to the point of creating the idea of ​​not needing to make an effort to achieve his goals; This is, of course, a distortion of reality , which would only be possible within his circle, and which could cause serious disruption once he decided to cross the borders of his safe zone. In other words, it is an unfair act towards a being who depends on his elders to learn to make good decisions, and who later will be burdened with a personality that will cause him many conflicts.

The term in sexuality

Complacent is also an adjective used in sexuality to refer to a person's ability or willingness to provide pleasure to their partner in intimacy.

In this framework, someone who is accommodating is considered to fulfill the desires and fantasies of the other person.