Definition of


CollusionThe etymology of collusion takes us to the Latin word collusio . The notion refers to an illicit agreement established by two or more parties with the aim of causing harm to a third party.

In the field of economics , a collusion is an agreement developed by companies that operate in the same market to coordinate actions that allow them to strengthen their respective positions and undermine the growth possibilities of the rest. With collusion, for example, two companies can agree that each one controls a sector of the market through monopolistic practices , making access to new actors impossible.

The Austrian-American psychologist Paul Watzlawick (1921-2007), for his part, used the notion of collusion applied to human communication . Watzlawick refers to collusion as the situation that occurs when a subject seeks another who allows him to ratify and consolidate his way of being.

Collusion, in this context, is an agreement - even undetected - between two people, through which one confirms to the other that the other is what they believe they are. In this collusion, the individual who seeks to confirm his way of being needs someone who turns out the way he wants so that the relationship can occur within the framework he intends.

It can be said that collusion implies the development of a complementary relationship : each party assumes the role that the other needs and renounces certain powers or properties that it delegates. The roles of those who participate in a collusion are defined and stable, although they are not totally rigid since the links are dynamic.

The agreement that collusion represents at the level of interpersonal relationships is subtle but, like any other agreement, it assumes that each party gives something in exchange for something else. At first glance, this concept of psychology may seem somewhat absurd, since the other person cannot behave spontaneously but rather acts as we want them to; However, to understand its existence we must think about those roles that cannot be fulfilled without someone to complement us.

CollusionIn the book titled The Art of Making Life Bitter , written by Paul Watzlawick himself, the author suggests that we imagine a doctor without patients to care for, a mother without children to raise or a president without a State to govern. ; According to him, these would be "provisional people", who can only become real once they find the consort to carry out the role we need. Without collusion, he points out, we live at the mercy of our dreams, which are hopelessly vain.

Watzlawick asserts that there are well-defined reasons why an individual may be willing to play a certain role for us. Perhaps the most important is that the role that the other person must play in order for us to be "real" is the one that he himself wants to play in order to produce his own "reality."

If we do not delve into the relationship, it may seem that it is a "perfect agreement "; However, this could only be so if it were not modified at all, and we know that absolute stability is impossible. If we focus on the first two examples mentioned above, children cannot help but grow up (and stop needing their mothers as protective beings) and sick people cannot help but heal either.

In this way, we cannot prevent disenchantment from arising after the initial enthusiasm of collusion and, finally, the attempt to prevent the breakup by all possible means. Watzlawick quotes Sartre speaking of disturbing and reciprocal relationships, in which the two parties seek to free themselves from and submit to each other.