Definition of



Color is a sensation produced by light rays in the eyes and interpreted by the brain.

When it comes to determining the etymological origin of the term color, we have to go back to Latin because there we find the word from which it comes: color , which can be translated as " tint " or "color."

Color is a sensation that light rays produce in the visual organs and that is interpreted in the brain . It is a physical-chemical phenomenon where each color depends on the wavelength .

How color is determined

Illuminated bodies absorb part of the electromagnetic waves and reflect the rest. These reflected waves are captured by the eye and, according to the wavelength, are interpreted by the brain. In low light conditions, humans can only see in black and white.

The color white , in this sense, is the result of the superposition of all colors. The color black , on the other hand, is the opposite and is defined as the absence of color. It should be noted that primary colors are those that cannot be obtained by mixing other colors.

For example: "My dad bought a blue car" , "I'm looking for black pants to match my new shirt" , "Laura painted her kitchen aqua green" .


Colors can be classified in different ways.

Classification according to type

It must also be emphasized that there are several types of colors. More specifically, we can talk about two large groups based on the thermal sensation they represent and their relationship with the environment: the warm ones and the cold ones.

The first category would include red, yellow, orange, scarlet and lime green. These are colors that support positivity and give us a feeling of joy, fun, and warmth.

In the second group, the cold ones, colors such as blue, violet, green and white are immersed, although the latter is not considered a color as such. Serenity, sentimentality and cold are what provoke us those that are used in decoration to achieve a feeling of spaciousness.

It is interesting to note that there is a disease that causes those who suffer from it to have problems differentiating colors, specifically red, green and blue. It is a genetic type pathology that is divided into several degrees: achromatic, dichromatic, monochromatic or trichromatic.

Other uses of the color idea

The concept of color is also used as a synonym for colorful ( "I like that painting: it has a lot of color" ) and as the natural color of human complexion ( "90% of NBA players are black" ).

The term is used, on the other hand, in a symbolic or figurative sense. The peculiar character of certain things, the special quality that distinguishes something and the nuance of opinion can be named as colors: "The actress brought a new color to her character" , "The tragic color of her last book is undeniable" , "This government It is not just one color, but seeks to be as inclusive as possible .

What is representative of a nation

In addition to all the above, we cannot ignore the existence of what are called national colors. This is a term that is used to define those that a country takes as identifying and that, therefore, appear on its flag and other emblems.

Light blue and white, in this framework, are the national colors of Argentina. The clothing of this nation's sports teams is usually made with these tones.