Definition of


CoincidenceCoincidence is the act and result of coinciding : agreeing, agreeing. Coincidence can also refer to a coexistence or concomitance . For example: “Are you also going on vacation to Miami? What a coincidence!” , “I didn't want to meet my ex-boyfriend at the bar, it was just a coincidence” , “The presidents of these countries have more coincidences than disagreements” .

A coincidence can be something that occurs simultaneously and/or in the same place . Suppose a man decides to go to dinner with his wife at a restaurant, and there he happens to meet a friend who is having dinner with his wife. The choice of the same restaurant was a coincidence: it was not a pre-planned plan.

It can be said that a coincidence occurs when different people independently make the same decision or similar decisions. That two neighbors decide to buy the same car model is a coincidence. The same can be expressed about two brothers who, each living with their respective partners, choose the same menu for dinner.

Regarding seemingly spontaneous coincidences, there are those who believe that they are not the result of chance , but that there is always a well-defined path behind every event, whether or not we are aware that we follow it at every step with our actions. In this way, some people tend to reject chance in pursuit of causality. The discussions on this matter are endless, since none of the parties can irrefutably demonstrate their position. The truth is that there are situations that leave their protagonists perplexed due to the degree of coincidence that characterizes them.

Far from being a question that interests only the most superstitious, the study of coincidences has kept many scientists busy throughout history. Seeking answers to questions such as "Is it possible to know destiny ?", they have dedicated their lives to translating the seemingly random and inexplicable phenomena of nature into formulas, and in some cases they have been successful.

CoincidenceSuch is the case of the golden ratio , a discovery that serves to describe the spiral that can be seen in the shell of a conch, among other issues that fascinate human beings, such as the painting of the Mona Lisa, all thanks to a number. irrational algebraic.

The idea of ​​coincidence is also used to refer to the fact of sharing a certain thought or a certain way of proceeding . If two or more leaders of different political parties agree with eliminating taxes and tariffing access to education, it can be said that there are coincidences between them.

Agreeing on certain ideas or thoughts is the same as saying "agree", "agree" or "agree". In other words, it can be said that in a case like that of the political leaders cited in the previous paragraph, there is a coincidence as a result of the dialogue, which leads them to support the same decisions, and perhaps also a coincidence prior to their meeting, if They already had the same ideas before speaking or even meeting each other.

It should be noted that, before the start of some TV programs and movies, the filmmakers clarify that similarities with real events or characters are “purely coincidental.” In this way they specify that, if any element of fiction coincides with reality, it is by chance. In these cases, film companies seek to free themselves from any accusation regarding the story's resemblance to the lives of certain people, especially when the content includes scenes considered "strong", such as being racist, sexist or extremely violent.