Definition of



The concept of climate refers to the state of atmospheric conditions that affect a certain region.

Climate refers to the state of the atmospheric conditions that influence a certain area. The daily use of the term is generally linked to temperature and whether or not precipitation (rain, snow, etc.) is recorded.

Although climate is sometimes used as a synonym for weather , these concepts do not have the same meaning. Weather refers to the situation of atmospheric factors that act at a specific time and in a specific region. For example: «The weather in Buenos Aires is warm, with a temperature, at the moment, of 27º» , «I would like to know what the weather is like in Acapulco, since, in a few hours, we will arrive in the city and I would like to spend the afternoon on the beach .

The climate, on the other hand, involves information focused on a longer period of time, of at least three decades: "The climate of my region is subtropical, with a lot of precipitation during the summer season," "Global warming has generated a marked increase in temperature and a new climate characterized by high humidity .

Environmental pollution and climate changes

Throughout the 20th century, the average temperature of our planet increased 0.6 degrees, due to different acts of negligence on the part of humans. Likewise, it is estimated that by the year 2100, compared to 1990, the increase will be up to 5.8 degrees and the average sea level will rise up to 88 centimeters, unprecedented events in the last thousand years.

These climatic alterations will bring with them infectious diseases , such as tropical ones, since the conditions will be more than adequate for them to spread, even in the North of the Earth. It has been announced by the World Health Organization that malaria and dengue, among many other diseases transmitted by insects, will proliferate dangerously due to changes in temperatures and precipitation .


It is important not to confuse climate with time.

Human actions and the climate

The concentration of gases such as CO2 in the atmosphere is very dangerous, and since 1750 it has grown by 31%, due to human activities, such as deforestation and, mainly, the burning of fossil fuels.

Likewise, the reduction in ice and snow layers has been 10% since the late 1960s and the temperature of the ocean surface has increased worryingly. If this continues to worsen, the consequences will be fatal ; It is likely that the sea will flood several countries, that mega tsunamis will occur that destroy everything in their path, as well as an epidemic of cholera and poisoning due to the consumption of shellfish.

All of this can be prevented with a drastic reduction in the emissions of gases such as CO2, which together with the atmosphere cause the aforementioned greenhouse effect. Another of the main sources of pollution is waste incineration, since it emits highly toxic substances. With this action, people are turning our planet into a death trap, dirtying the air, water and food, which could end up being deadly poisons.

Other uses of the concept

Climate, on the other hand, is called a certain social environment , with particular characteristics that define it: "The political climate is currently quite convulsed, after the resignation of the president and his ministers," "The climate cannot be underestimated." intellectual climate that is breathed in the city .

Other uses of the word climate are linked to the area of ​​the globe that is located between two parallels and to the surface measurement used in the agricultural field that indicated 60 feet on a side (that is, about 290 square meters).