Definition of


CandleThe Latin word cereus , which refers to that which is made with wax , came to our language as a candle . A candle made with wax that is characterized by its thickness and length is called a candle.

Candles are used in various religious ceremonies. This type of use is linked to the beginnings of Christianity . Given the persecution they suffered, Christians used to meet in underground places and at night. In order to facilitate vision, they lit candles .

As time went by, candles continued to be used in the churches of this religion . In any case, other peoples and cultures have also used candles for thousands of years since the light is associated with happiness and various mystical or spiritual issues.

The candle that is blessed during the Easter vigil and then lit on solemn occasions, such as funerals, baptisms or Easter Sunday , is known as the paschal candle . The light, in fact, represents the resurrection of Jesus Christ .

For economic reasons or a vocation for crafts, many people choose to make their own candles at home. Although the process is not extremely complex nor does it require a large financial investment, it is advisable to do several tests and become familiar with the materials before embarking on making large quantities.

Regarding the materials necessary for making candles, the list is not very extensive: just paraffin wax, dye of the color that we want to give to the candles, enough wick for the number of candles that we are going to make, a deep container to hold the melted wax and a knife.

The first step is the simplest: we must melt the wax and mix it with the dye. To avoid accidents due to excess temperature, it is recommended to use the technique known as a "bain-marie": heat water in a pan and keep it boiling while placing the container with the wax on it, so that the heat is dissipated by the water before to reach the wax .

On the other hand, it is advisable to have a small amount of melted and properly dyed wax that we will use to dip each wick, remove it and straighten it before it hardens too much. The third step is to place the wicks in the molds where the wax of the future candles is still hot , leave them submerged for five seconds, remove them and keep them in the open air for two minutes until the wax dries and repeat the process until the desired thickness is reached. .

CandleIt's time to give the candles the final touch, starting by using the knife to remove any imperfections, especially on the base (which can never be smooth without this last step). The knife is also used to cut the wick.

At first glance, this may seem very simple, but when we must coordinate the different steps with the temperature of the wax while avoiding burning ourselves or the material cooling down sooner than desired, difficulties begin to appear. For this reason it is recommended not to venture with many candles the first time, but to start with just one.

The golden candle , on the other hand, is the common name for the Bergerocactus emoryi , a plant that belongs to the Cactaceae family group. It is a cactus native to North America that usually has a height of about sixty centimeters and whose flowers are yellow.

Cirio is also a first and last name. Cirio H. Santiago was a Filipino filmmaker born in 1936 and died in 2008 . Jésica Cirio , for her part, is an Argentine model , actress and TV host.