Definition of



Closure can be used synonymously with zipper.

Closure is the action and effect of closing or closing ( securing something to prevent it from opening, making the inside of something cut off from the outside). For example: “The hermetic closure of the door is vital in the laboratory; Otherwise the conditions of the experiments may be altered” , “Who was in charge of closing the office? “They left the window unlocked and a cat got in.”

The term is used to name that which serves to close . By extension, in several countries they call a zipper closure: “The zipper on my bag broke and I lost the documents,” “I'm going to have to change the zipper on my pocket, because this is the second time I've dropped my keys. ” “of my house and I have to change the lock .”

Closure as closure

Closing is also the closure of stores and businesses , whether ordered by an authority or decided by their own owners: “Justice ordered the closure of the restaurant due to violations of hygiene standards,” “We are already close to closing time; "Let's start mopping the floor," "If the economic situation continues like this, we will have to decree the closure of the establishment before the end of the year."

Since the birth of the Internet, we have seen the closure of many large companies that, until the mid-90s, were considered untouchable. Given that the Internet offers a new range of opportunities for entrepreneurs from all over the world, requiring an insignificant economic investment compared to the budget necessary to start a traditional business, the number of people who have bet on their dreams in the last two decades is considerable.

As in other cases, the closure of a company does not always mean the ruin of its members. Given the aforementioned phenomenon, many employees of important companies have chosen to resign from their old positions in order to try their luck with personal ventures, helped by friends or former coworkers.


Closing a relationship is important for emotional health.

A conclusion or ending

The conclusion of the daily programming on television or radio and the action of ending the admission of notes for the edition of a newspaper or magazine are also called closure: “Some Brazilian pastors dedicate themselves to preaching on TV before the closing of programming” , “I must deliver my column before closing, and I haven't started writing yet” . In the last example, the term is used as a synonym for deadline or delivery date .

The work or act that completes something , on the other hand, is called closure: “The closing of the campaign will take place at the National Club stadium at 8 p.m.”

Closure of a relationship

On the emotional level, the process necessary to end an interpersonal relationship , or to overcome a traumatic situation that has lasted a long time and from which it is difficult to get rid of, is known as closure. There are various reasons why we need to close stages. Sometimes these are issues that exceed the limits of our will, as occurs with the death of loved ones; However, when we find ourselves in an unhealthy relationship, it is up to us to end it.

Closure is necessary in all cases to be able to move forward with our lives, without carrying conflicts from the past. For some people, it is very difficult to face the fact that they do not want to continue dealing with someone and, for that reason, they try to deny how beneficial it would be for them to separate. Similarly, a separation does not always bring closure; It is common for two individuals to stop seeing each other but for at least one of them to not be able to disconnect from the relationship, allowing their life to revolve around that of the other.