Definition of


The notion of cyberbullying is made up of two terms: cyber (the compositional element that refers to computer networks or the virtual) and bullying (a word from the English language that refers to harassment or harassment).

CyberbullyingCyberbullying, also known as cyberstalking , is the use of digital tools to annoy, inconvenience or bother a person. This type of harassment can develop in multiple ways and in some it constitutes a criminal offense.

An individual who is a victim of cyberbullying may receive emails or telephone messages with attacks or threats; being mocked or bullied on social media; or being a victim of the dissemination of false or private information on the Internet , to name a few possibilities. Those who engage in cyberbullying seek to cause concern and distress in the bullied.

A stalker can post doctored photographs of the victim on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram , making them appear naked or engaged in sexual practices. You can also threaten her through WhatsApp and email and create a false profile of the harassed person on social networks to damage her public image. These practices are part of what is known as cyberbullying.

In recent years, cases of cyberbullying have increased considerably around the world. For this reason, the different authorities have not hesitated to provide a series of guidelines to prevent this type of harassment. Specifically, some of these stand out, such as the following:

-You should avoid sharing intimate photographs on social networks or through email and even instant messaging applications.

-You should never publish private and personal data.

-It is important that minors avoid accessing web pages, social networks or other spaces that may be dangerous for their age.

-No less relevant is that parents must use the so-called parental controls to prevent their children from accessing places on the Internet that could later make them victims of cyberbullying.

It should be noted that in schools and universities, cyberbullying is a common problem: many students suffer this harassment from one or more classmates. Cyberbullying can also appear in a work environment and in other social contexts.

A person who suffers from cyberbullying may suffer from depression , anxiety disorders, panic attacks and a high level of stress. In addition to the physical repercussions of these disorders, the victim may commit suicide .

If a person is a victim of cyberbullying, it is essential that they follow these tips:

-Report what is happening to your parents, your teachers and the relevant authorities. Not telling anyone is a serious mistake. It is essential to explain the situation to someone you trust because it will be of great help in facing the problem, to support you and to be your support when taking the necessary measures.

-Do not respond to the attacks of the harasser or harassers nor carry out any type of action to take revenge.

-Save and print all the harassment messages you are receiving to present them to the authorities and record the seriousness of the events you are experiencing.