Definition of



Chacarero or chacarera is something linked to a farm.

It is possible to distinguish between two major uses of the term chacarera . On the one hand, the concept can be associated with that linked to a chácara or chakra . On the other hand, it can be linked to a traditional dance of the Argentine Republic .

If we focus on the first meaning, it is important to mention that a farm or chácara is a farm or estate dedicated to the development of agricultural activities . The etymology leads us to chakra , a word from the Quechua language.

Characteristics of a farm

It can be said that a farm is a property located in the countryside or on the outskirts of a city, whose owners or residents are dedicated to agricultural tasks. Farm life, in this framework, is associated with rural work.

It is estimated that the notion began to be used in the Viceroyalty of Peru . Over time, it became common in other Latin American regions, having similarities with other types of land and establishments such as the hacienda , the quinta and the ranch .

The cultivation of legumes, vegetables and fruits for marketing and the raising of farm animals are common actions on farms. In recent years, its tourist exploitation has also expanded. It is interesting to note that the person who owns a farm or works on it is mentioned as a chacarera .


The violin is one of the characteristic instruments of the chacarera.

The chacarera as music and dance

In Argentina , the chacarera is a type of music and dance characteristic of the northwest region. It is believed that its origins are in the style known as Zamacueca .

The bombo legüero , the violin and the guitar are usually the musical instruments with which the chacareras are performed. Many compositions include lyrics, although there are instrumental chacareras.

With time of 6/8 or 3/4, the chacarera is danced as a couple but in a group. It is described as a loose dance (because the dancers do not maintain contact) and independent (the evolutions of each couple are not combined with those of the rest).

Most famous songs

According to their characteristics , we can differentiate between the simple chacarera and the double chacarera . The main structure is the same, although the double chacarera has longer sections.

Among the most famous chacareras, we can name “Entre a mi pago sin hitting” , “A Don Ata” and “Chacarera del olvido” . Regarding the most prominent performers of this type of songs, figures such as Chaqueño Palavecino , Los Nocheros , Soledad Pastorutti and Peteco Carabajal appear.

A type of sandwich

It should be noted that there is a sandwich known as chacarero. It is a typical Chilean dish that would have been born in the farms; hence its name.

The traditional chacarero is prepared with a churrasco or steak of beef or pork, chopped green chili, chauchas (green beans, green beans, beans or green beans) and tomato. It can also be seasoned with butter or mayonnaise .

There are other versions of the chacarero, which is also popular in Argentina . There are chacareros that include egg, pancetta (bacon or bacon), mushrooms or onion, to mention some of the ingredients that can be used in the preparation.