Definition of



A fence is a fence.

A fence is a fence , a wall or a wall that is installed around a site for division or protection. It is possible to find fences in the garden of a house, in a field, in a park, etc.

For example: "Grandma painted the fence red to match the gate," "Don't you read that sign?" It says that it is forbidden to cross the fence" , "The thieves jumped over the fence and entered the barn" .

Given the design characteristics of a normal fence, it is not a protection against potential property theft attempts, but rather a resource to visually delimit a piece of land. On the other hand, the fence can also be used as a decorative element, especially in small gardens.

Near as immediate or close

Near also refers to that which is close or immediate . It can be a physical or temporal closeness. If someone indicates "The cathedral is very close" , they will be referring to the fact that said building is a short distance from the place where the person who uttered the phrase is located.

In a similar sense, a person who comments that "We are already close to Christmas" refers to the fact that, due to the time of year, there are only a few days left until the date of said celebration arrives.

The two examples allow us to infer that closeness is subjective . For one person, "near" may be a distance of no more than one hundred meters, while another may say that something is "near" when it is ten kilometers away. Christmas , on the other hand, can be as "close" as twenty days or two months away, depending on the opinion of the speaker.

mother and daughter

Children need to have their parents close to grow up healthy.

The concept on the emotional level

The term also has a use on the emotional level , to refer to the degree of contact that exists between two or more living beings. Being close to another person or an animal can mean many things, according to each person's needs and culture; For example, it can speak of a constant concern for the well-being of others, of tireless work to know and understand them more every day, of the need for them to feel loved and content, to not feel alone.

However, given that it is such a subjective concept, it is impossible to establish precise parameters to "measure" the level of closeness that exists in a given relationship, since even within it each member can have a very different vision about it. . Accusing someone of not being close enough to us does not always result in satisfaction of that emotional lack , since the other party may think otherwise, no matter how absurd it may seem to us.

For children it is very important to have at least one adult nearby, to feel protected from the dangers of life in society , to learn from their experience and to receive the love necessary to develop healthily. Unfortunately, a series of factors inherent to the organization of today's families has made childrearing in the hands of third parties more common than that of the parents themselves, whether biological or adoptive.

Not spending the first years close enough to those we call parents can cause serious psychological disorders that prevent us from enjoying our adult life and relating to other people in a healthy way, knowing our limits and those of others, knowing how to approach others. others to receive their support and affection without fear of being rejected or abandoned.

Near as a synonym for almost

Another use of the notion of close is linked to a complement of quantity , as a synonym for almost.

"The demonstration brought together nearly five hundred people" is an expression equivalent to "The demonstration brought together almost five hundred people," to mention one case.