Definition of


Cellulite body hydration

Drink plenty of water and hydrate your skin to combat cellulite

The term cellulite is made up of the noun cell (the minimum unit with the capacity for independent reproduction that constitutes a living being) and the suffix -itis (which refers to inflammation ). The concept is used in the field of medicine to refer to a swelling that occurs in the connective tissue located immediately under the skin .

Inflammation of connective tissue

Before moving forward, it is important to mention that connective tissue is formed with cells of different appearances and a homogeneous matter crossed by collagen and other fibers.

Cellulite, in this framework, means that the subcutaneous connective tissue becomes inflamed. This is due to a bacterial infection that can sometimes even reach the muscle. Cellulite is usually caused by streptococcus and staphylococcus bacteria .

It should be noted that it is normal for bacteria to reside on healthy skin . If a rupture occurs, these bacteria can cause an infection and therefore cellulitis.

An aesthetic problem

There is another meaning of the notion of cellulite, associated with an aesthetic problem . In this case, cellulite is the accumulation of fat in subcutaneous areas , which causes the skin to become rough and present bumps or small pits .

Women are more likely to develop cellulite than men. Hormonal issues, genetics, muscle tone and being overweight are some of the reasons that can favor the appearance of cellulite.

Cellulite treatments usually offer temporary results and sometimes cause side effects. Radiofrequency , acoustic waves , laser and surgery are among the options to treat this disorder.

Tips to combat cellulite

In a society that cares about aesthetics at the same level as health, cellulite is a problem that no one wants in their life. That is why there is an endless number of treatments and products, from natural to clinical, with also the most varied prices. Focusing only on the measures we can take at home, the first tip to avoid cellulite is to lead a healthy life . This applies to everything from food to interpersonal relationships.

Stress , for example, is a great enemy of our health, and among its innumerable consequences is cellulite, because it causes the release of insulin and the accumulation of sugars and fats. Building a social environment that does not stress us is not easy, but it is certainly worth it. Diet is another fundamental aspect, and in this case there is nothing better than abstaining from saturated fats , opting instead for more natural products.

cellulite physical exercise

Exercise helps keep skin smooth and free of cellulite

Hydration is as important as diet, and we must understand it as consuming water by drinking and bathing the skin daily to keep it clean. It is recommended to drink water with a low concentration of sodium, to avoid fluid retention. Regarding bathing, cold water is more beneficial than hot water , as it stimulates circulation and prevents edema; Of course, the temperature must adapt to the time of year, but the important thing is that it never be too high.

As in any list of tips to take care of your health, physical exercise cannot be missing. Its benefits also include the prevention of cellulite because it strengthens tissues and keeps organic processes functioning. To complement the hydration of the body, there is nothing better than swimming, the most complete sport. Finally, it is important to wear relatively loose and comfortable clothing, since the tighter it is, the greater the accumulation of fat due to the inability of the skin to breathe.