Definition of


OnionThe Latin word cepulla came to our language as onion . The term refers to a garden plant that belongs to the liliaceae family group and is characterized by developing a bulb made up of successive layers that is edible .

Generally the concept of onion refers to the plant whose scientific name is Allium cepa , although there are several types of onion that are used in different ways in cooking .

The cells that form the edible bulb of the onion are oval and join together thanks to a substance called peptic that gives firmness to the structure. When the onion is cut and the cells break, the combination between amino acids and certain enzymes generates thiopropanal sulfoxide . This element causes irritation in the nose and eyes: that is why it is said that onion makes human beings cry.

The onion has a somewhat spicy flavor and a very intense and characteristic aroma. Its intake helps combat the effects of rheumatism, prevent osteoporosis and infections and protect the cardiovascular system. This is because it has potassium, calcium, silicon and phosphorus, among other nutrients.

With respect to circulation , onion reduces the likelihood of clots forming in the blood, and serves to complement treatments against angina, hypertension, cholesterol and arteriosclerosis, among other disorders related to poor blood circulation.

Another of the properties of onion makes it a perfect diuretic , very suitable for eliminating fluids from the body and promoting recovery from edema, dropsy, gout and rheumatism.

Its bactericidal action is also highly appreciated, since thanks to its sulfur content it is one of the best natural products to fight infections of the respiratory and digestive systems, such as pharyngitis, bronchitis, flu and diarrhea. This is very similar to garlic, another of the most recommended foods to take care of your health.

For people with digestive problems, onion is also a good option since it stimulates the pancreas, gallbladder and liver; However, it is important to avoid it in cases of heartburn ( hyperchlorhydria ), or in general if we have a very sensitive stomach. There are people who cannot tolerate onion, especially if it is raw, and it is useless to force themselves to eat it as it can cause discomfort.

OnionIf we take into account the characteristic flavor of onion and the effect it has on the mucous membranes, it is understandable that it is not everyone's favorite ingredient. It is a plant that divides diners into two quite opposite groups: there are those who cannot even smell it, but also those who adore it in all their preparations .

There are multiple recipes that are made with onion. In salads , for example, onion is consumed raw. It can also be baked in the oven to accompany meats . Onion rings , on the other hand, are rings that are coated in flour and fried in oil, while onion soup is popular in many countries.

We must not forget what for many is the most popular dish on the planet: pizza . What would pizza be without onion? This is where this plant can be displayed in almost all its forms, whether raw and cut into large slices, as part of a tomato sauce (previously cut into small cubes), in roasted strips and even breaded, since this famous recipe Italian accepts any combination of ingredients on its basis.

Among the types of onion, we can mention the purple, red or red onion ; green onion , chives, chives, chives or leeks; the shallot ; and leaf onion .