Definition of


Categorical president

A president who is categorical in a speech

Categorical is an adjective that is used to describe that which is definitive or conclusive . The term derives from the late Latin categorĭcus , in turn from the Greek word katēgorikós .

Some example sentences

For example: “The president was categorical and ruled out making a trade agreement with the Asian nation,” “I am categorical when I talk about my work because I defend my interests,” “The agricultural sector expressed its categorical rejection of the new tax that the government intends to set.” ” .

These three examples show us some nuances of this term in different situations, although they always refer to a decision or a rigid posture. Let's start with the president's categorical statement: instead of simply expressing an opinion open to debate, he firmly and immutably communicates his vision regarding the potential trade agreement with the Asian country; That is to say, he appears so secure in his position that he does not accept any discussion .

Then we have a person who claims to have a very clear and defined vision as far as his job is concerned. He says that his way of dealing with the subject is categorical because he does not want to neglect his own interests. This may mean that in meetings with your superiors, for example, you never accept conditions that harm you, whether on a monetary or professional level within the company.

And this leads us to a detail that is important to mention before proceeding to analyze the third example: the categorical is not normal, but rather has a often challenging character , which is why it can bring negative consequences to those who express themselves in this way. . Society does not educate us to be so determined, but to follow a previously set path: standing up against this imposition is not usually seen well and requires great inner strength to stand and withstand the response.

Finally, there is talk of the rejection of the agricultural sector to a tax that the government intends to approve. Since accepting it could negatively affect their professional development , they make themselves heard through a series of demonstrations with the aim of getting the leaders to reverse their decision and allow them to continue with their work as before.

In context

The categorical does not accept discussions or replies . It is something blunt that does not allow for questioning. Let's look at two situations below to illustrate the concept.

Suppose a businessman plans to sell his company. With this objective, he meets with an investor who is interested in acquiring the firm. When it comes time to start negotiating, the seller states: “I'm not going to sell my company for less than two million pesos, so if you had another figure in mind, let's not waste our time.” As can be seen, the owner of the company is categorical since he is not willing to modify his intentions.

Categorical manifestation

In the face of injustices, the people usually express themselves categorically

Take the case of a soccer team where, according to some journalists, there is a conflict between the captain and the coach. In the media there is talk of this supposed confrontation which, according to reports, would be very serious. Faced with this scenario, the footballer calls a press conference and is categorical : “There is no problem between the coach and me, so stop lying. In fact I feel great affection and respect for him, he seems to me to be a very capable man who has always helped me perform at the best level.”

Being categorical is very useful to defend one's rights or to fight against slander, typical of areas where money and political interests abound. If we are sure of our ideas, then this is the way to express them.