Definition of



A caste is a social group.

Caste is a term with two different etymological origins and, therefore, with several different meanings. The concept may come from the Gothic word kastan and refer to ancestry or lineage . For example: “The Baron of Chestwire is part of an aristocratic caste that has ruled these lands for centuries” , “Illustrious castes should not mix with the people, my lady” .

In the same way, we must not overlook the fact that this meaning of caste can also be used with nuances when referring to animals. Thus, for example, it is common to speak of a breed dog, which is one that is not the result of having crossed different breeds.

Castes in India

In some societies , castes are groups that make up a special social class and tend to remain separated from the rest for religious, racial or other reasons. One of the countries where a caste system exists is India , where castes are groups that belong to a larger ethnic unit.

Indian castes are closed groups linked to hereditary; That is, belonging is a birthright . It is said that the original castes of the Asian nation were four: priests, warriors, farmers and workers.


Indian society is organized in a caste system.

The concept linked to Spanish colonization

In the historical past, castes also had special importance. A good example of this is medieval society or even during the colonization process carried out by Spain. Thus, both in the Philippines and in America, he established a society that was based on three classes: the white, which were the Spanish; the black and the indigenous.

These three social strata were considered to be pure. However, little by little, the establishment of relationships between members of each other began to occur, which is why the situation led to the creation of castes.

Crosses was the name by which those that were quite numerous and that were created based on the classes to which the father and mother of the creature in question belonged were also known. Thus, for example, when a mulatto woman and a Spaniard were mixed, the child was considered to belong to the Moorish caste; and if the offspring was the result of a Spaniard and an indigenous woman, it fell within the mestizo caste.

Zambo, mulatto, chamizo, albino or coyote was the name of other of the many castes that emerged during the colonization process carried out by Spain after the Discovery of America.

chaste person

In another sense, chaste can come from the Latin castus and refer to someone who abstains from sexual enjoyment . Chastity is a voluntary behavior that consists of the moderation of sexual pleasures for religious, cultural or social reasons. The ways in which each person carries out their chastity may vary: for married people, being chaste implies fidelity; For Catholics who are not married, chastity means abstinence .

Chaste is also what does not have sensuality : “We live a chaste and pure love,” “He is a chaste man, with all his energy put into helping his neighbor.”