Definition of


CareerThe act of running is known as racing . It can be an action carried out by a human being or by an animal. For example: "After a ten-kilometer run, I managed to get to the office on time," "When he saw the dogs, the cat started a race at full speed," "I'm tired of running to do paperwork: I'm going to give up this job."

A speed competition is also called a race. Competitors can be people who run, ride horses, or drive some type of vehicle. There are also trained animal races: "The winner of the night race was a South African athlete" , "I always liked motorcycle racing" , "Greyhound racing was banned since the dogs were subjected to terrible mistreatment" .

Like any other form of animal exploitation , animal racing is an example of how far behind our species is when it comes to compassion. We are the only inhabitants of this planet who use other beings for their own benefit in an unfair way, which does not contribute to the balance of nature but rather feeds their ego, their desire to dominate everything regardless of the consequences. Dogs and horses subjected to racing not only suffer mistreatment during exploitation, but are abandoned when they are no longer "useful" to their owners.

Career, on the other hand, is the name given to studies that, once completed, grant a degree and enable the graduate to practice a profession. By extension, a career is called a professional activity that requires prior training: "I am studying the second year of my medical degree," "My uncle is a career diplomat," "In three months I will finish secondary school and I will still "I don't know what career I'm going to follow."

Tertiary and university studies are often a barrier to accessing certain jobs : despite having the necessary skills and knowledge to perform tasks brilliantly, an applicant can be rejected simply for not having completed a certain degree. This does not happen in all companies, but it does in many, and it is truly unfortunate.

CareerIt is enough to carry out a random job search to notice that the vast majority of advertisements specify requirements linked to studying a career, and often also to achieving a master's or doctorate. While in some cases it is possible to ignore this, certain business areas are too strict on this and do not give in even to great talent.

Similarly, having completed a degree can mean joining a social group that despises those who do not have studies beyond those required. In certain circles, rejection of academic education is considered a waste of opportunities and a sign of laziness or denial of progress, even if the individual turns to other activities and decides to enrich himself.

The professional career and the development of an activity are also called a career: "The German footballer managed to develop a very successful career in Italian football" , "I am calm because I have a lawyer with many years of career" , "I had to leave my artistic career when my first child was born .

In this sense, it is curious to note that a person can have a career without having completed formal studies, and this does not influence in any way the success they may have achieved. Needless to say, footballers can reach very high levels throughout their profession, and the result of all their experiences is called a career, although their knowledge was obtained on the street and on the playing field.