Definition of

Large tent


A carp is a physostomous teleost fish.

Carp is a term with various uses and meanings according to its etymological origin. Coming from the Latin word carp and with more remote origins in the Gothic karpa , a carp is a fish with a small mouth without teeth, large scales and a single dorsal fin .

Carp, which live in fresh waters, are greenish on top and yellow below. This physostomous teleost fish stands out for its high life expectancy. There are various species of carp, many of which serve as food for humans . Other carp are raised in artificial ponds and lakes as part of aquarium farming .

For example: "My father caught three carp on the lagoon dock" , "Yesterday I visited the Japanese Garden and fed the carp that were swimming in one of the ponds" , "Carp is my favorite fish because of its colors" .

Types of tent

In addition to the above, it must be established that there are three subspecies of carp, according to the studies and research carried out:

  • One that exists in eastern Asia and is known by the name cyprinus carpio haematopterus .
  • The so-called European carp or cyprinus carpio carpio .
  • The carp of Southeast Asia, which is known by the name cyprinus carpio rubrofuscus .

Other features

Likewise, we must not overlook another important series of characteristics that define this type of fish such as a size that is usually between 60 and 90 centimeters, an approximate weight of nine kilos or its great ability to resist even the weather conditions. more adverse.

We must not forget either that it is an omnivorous fish , which can even live up to 65 years, that it has very fine and long scales and that it is usually found in shallow waters.


The idea of ​​a tent can refer to a tent or an awning.

The tent as an awning or tent

From Quechua karpa , a tent is a large awning that covers a large area. In Spain , a tent is understood to be the awning that covers a circus. In Latin America , on the other hand, the concept of tent is associated with the tent , beach tent or tent that is set up at a popular festival : "They already installed the circus tent in the park" , "I think tomorrow we are going to take the tent to the beach to spend the day by the sea" , "I don't know whether to book a hotel or travel with the tent" .

Starting from this set of meanings, it should not be overlooked that nowadays we usually talk about tents to refer to large tents made with very resistant materials that are placed with the aim of hosting the public at a fair or event of a certain size. relevance .

In this sense, in order to protect from weather conditions, tents of this type are installed in all types of single-theme fairs, for example, to house stands and stalls with the products that are for sale and that also allow them to be tasted.

Finally, carp - from the French grappe - can also be used to name a segment of grapes .