Definition of



Red meat provides iron, phosphorus, vitamin B and other nutrients.

Meat is the muscular part of the body of animals and humans. The term has various uses and meanings depending on the context.

The most frequent use refers to the edible meat of land animals such as cow, pig, lamb, etc. It is one of the most important foods because it provides proteins, fats and minerals. For example: "I haven't eaten meat in three days" , "They say that in Argentina you can eat the best meat in the world" , "Today I want to have baked meat with potatoes for dinner" .

Meat classification

In addition to all the above, we would have to point out that, as a general rule, meat is usually divided into two large groups:

Red meat . This is characterized by having the color that gives it its name, because it involves greater digestive work when ingested and because it provides the body with high-quality proteins. All this without forgetting that it provides important levels of iron, vitamin B or phosphorus. Within this section are lamb, beef or veal.

White meat . Compared to the previous one, we could say that it is lighter, that it has a whiter color and that it provides fewer calories. Among the most significant within this typology are chicken, pork, turkey... The main benefits it provides to the human body are its important contributions of phosphorus and potassium, it helps prevent diseases such as osteoporosis or respiratory problems. acute, reduces cramps and has the peculiarity that it can be consumed in many different ways.


Chicken meat is valued in many countries.

Its origins

In addition to this classification, we can determine that meat can also be grouped based on the animal it comes from. In this way we would have the following:

• Pork.

• Beef.

• Sheep or goat.

• Of birds.

• Hunting, which includes partridge, pigeon, wild boar, hare, rabbit, deer...

• Others. This section is made up of horse, ostrich, camel or whale meat, among others. We could say that these are very specific meats that are not consumed throughout the planet.

meat consumption

Animals that feed only on meat are known as carnivores ; On the other hand, those who do not eat meat and eat plants are called herbivores . Human beings are in the group of omnivores , since they eat meat and plants.

Nearly 1,000 chemical compounds give meat its flavor , including carbohydrates, alcohols, furans and other types. The curing and type of storage also affect the flavor.

The consumption of meat , for many, involves taking a social or political position. Vegetarians emphasize that animals feel and that their sacrifice, therefore, is murder.

Other uses of the term

In religion , the notion of flesh is used in contrast to the divine. Unlike the spiritual, the flesh is associated with the corporeal and usually takes on a sinful meaning: "I have good will, but the flesh is weak," "Young people should not indulge in the pleasures of the flesh."

Flesh, finally, is the part of the fruit that is under the peel or skin.