Definition of



The idea of ​​carnal is usually linked to physical pleasures.

The Latin word carnālis came to our language as carnal . The term is used as an adjective to refer to what is linked to meat .

Meat is the muscular sector of the body of an animal, including humans. Said part of the body, in many species (such as cow, pig and lamb), are edible . The soft part of a tuber or fruit is also called meat. In a symbolic sense, the idea of ​​flesh is used in opposition to the soul or the spirit .

Various meanings

From these meanings of flesh, the different meanings of carnal arise. The adjective is often used to describe family ties in which people share the same genetic line: full brothers , full nephews , full uncles , etc. In the colloquial language of some countries, a very close and dear person is called carnal.

In ancient times, carnal was synonymous with carnival : the days that precede Lent. By extension, carnal is the annual period that is not Lent.

Carnal as the opposite of spiritual

As opposed to the spiritual, the carnal is associated with lust . Carnal pleasures , in this framework, are the so-called “pleasures of the flesh” , related to physical enjoyment. For example: “I would love to have carnal relations with that girl” , “I feel carnal desires” . The carnal is also the earthly : “I am not interested in religions or philosophy: I prefer carnal issues,” “I am concerned about carnal things, like the gas bill or paying for my children's school fees.”

Despite being in the 21st century, our species cannot free itself from prejudices , a series of rigid and one-dimensional concepts that govern our lives without giving us room for doubt or space for debate. Sex, in all its aspects, is one of the most controversial topics: modesty usually invades us when talking about the carnal plane, and this leads to unfounded criticism for fear of being associated with it.

One of the most dangerous problems of the controversies that break out around sex is that absolutely unrelated issues are mixed , crimes with lifestyles, tastes with perversions; In this way, many news programs twist pedophilia with homosexuality, prostitution and child pornography, and thus feeds the public's rejection of all these topics at the same level, even though they have nothing in common.


The carnal is associated with passion and lust.

Crimes and crimes

Pedophilia and child pornography are two of the most horrific crimes of humanity, and there is no point of view from which to grant them a second of validity; Prostitution can be the product of a deprivation of liberty but there are also people who choose to practice it, which is why it is a very difficult topic to deal with without preparation; Homosexuality is not a problem, but the taste for people of the same sex.

Regarding the connection with the body, we often speak of “carnal access” to refer to sexual abuse in which the attacker violates the victim 's flesh.

Carnal access in legislation

In the criminal field, the opinion that predominates in jurisprudence and doctrine defines this concept as the act that a man performs when he penetrates another person with his genital organ, whether it is another man or a woman, through a normal or abnormal vessel. , so that intercourse or an abnormal version of it occurs.

To classify this crime, the doctrine indicates that penetration is absolutely essential, even if it is not complete nor has it allowed the attacker to achieve ejaculation. Some of the crimes that are linked to carnal access are adultery, rape and statutory rape, among others.