Definition of



Carbohydrates provide energy.

The concept of carbohydrate is formed from two terms: carbon and hydrate . A carbohydrate, therefore, is a carbohydrate .

Carbohydrates are substances that contain water ( H2O ). Carbon, for its part, is a chemical element. Carbohydrates, in short, are organic substances composed of oxygen , hydrogen and carbon .

Also called carbohydrates , carbohydrates are biomolecules (molecules that make up a living being) that are made up mostly of carbon and hydrogen atoms. Oxygen is the element present in the smallest quantity.

Carbohydrate function

The function of carbohydrates, which have covalent bonds that are difficult to break, is to provide energy . This energy can be used immediately or stored for later use. Certain carbohydrates also act as structural elements, forming part of cell walls.

It is possible to differentiate between different types of carbohydrates. The simplest ones are called monosaccharides , such as glucose and ribose . These carbohydrates have a single molecule . Disaccharides ( lactose , sucrose ), for their part, are composed of two monosaccharides.

There are also oligosaccharides , which have between three and nine monosaccharide molecules, and polysaccharides , with more than ten monosaccharides.

Carbohydrates are essential for all people since the energy they provide allows the development of muscular and neuronal activity and keeps blood pressure and body temperature stable. In the case of athletes, eating foods rich in carbohydrates (such as noodles or other pastas) is essential to be able to perform great physical efforts.


It is possible to classify carbohydrates in different ways.

Benefits of consuming carbohydrates

Let's see these and other benefits of carbohydrates in more detail below:

* improves mood : we cannot deny that to feel good, good will and positive ideas are not enough, but we need energy from the moment we get up until the moment we go to bed. For this we have foods such as carbohydrates and others that complement them with high levels of proteins ;

* improves digestion : for good digestion it is necessary to eat a lot of fiber, and carbohydrates are very rich in this component, which is also necessary to fight fatigue and constipation;

* stabilizes sugar levels : simple carbohydrates are quickly digested and produce much more blood glucose than complex carbohydrates. To carry out adequate control of excess blood sugar, it is recommended to include complex carbohydrates in the diet;

* increase resistance : this property is especially noticed by people who practice sports at a professional level. To feel that the muscles are doing their job with a sufficient amount of energy, it is necessary to consume the calories provided by carbohydrates in a proportion of at least 50 grams per hour of exercise;

* accelerate muscle recovery : a quick and easy tip to follow is to drink a protein and complex carbohydrate shake after each workout. Let us not forget that during the practice of physical exercise nutrient, fluid and energy reserves are consumed, which is why it is necessary to recover them to achieve the expected objectives;

* improves blood flow : to support the cardiac system, it is ideal to eat vegetables such as spinach, bananas, quinoa and sunflower seeds. Cereals , for their part, provide fiber that reduces the risk of hypertension by 19%. In addition to consuming these foods, it is advisable to be relaxed during meals, avoid excess salt and drink tea;

* increases resistance to infections : since the perfect situation is not achievable, it is preferable to strengthen our body than worry about eliminating all threats from our environment. We will always have to face attacks from viruses and bacteria, which is why carbohydrate contributions are essential to have the appropriate weapons.