Definition of



A person with an apathetic character is usually melancholic.

The word character has multiple meanings. In a given context, speaking about a man 's character allows us to refer to his personality and temperament. It is a psychological scheme, with the dynamic particularities of an individual .

Character is not something that is inherited from the womb, but is strongly affected by the environment , culture and social setting in which each person is formed.

Researcher Santos says that character is what differentiates us from our peers and that it is the result of social learning , which is related to the habits of each individual and the way in which they react to experiences . Character is not fully formed until the end of adolescence.

Its relationship with temperament

It is important to clarify that character is not exactly the same as temperament ; the latter brings together the biological aspects of character and is linked to the physiological process and those genetic factors that significantly contribute to the social behavior of individuals. Character, on the other hand, is the set of psychological aspects that are shaped by education, the work of the will and habits and allow an individual to react to experiences. It is important to note, however, that character is closely linked to temperament and that it acts accordingly in most people .

Three components are necessary for the creation of character: emotionality (the individual's emotional impact on events), activity (the individual's inclination to respond to a certain stimulus) and resonance (response to events).

Types of character

People with a nervous character constantly change their interests, they get easily excited about new things but nothing can attract them enough. They have no order or discipline in their life. They tend to be weak-willed, sociable and affectionate.

Those with an apathetic character live locked in themselves, they are melancholic, stubborn and lazy. They like routine and are indifferent to what surrounds them. They are apathetic and have little interest in doing new things.

Those with a sentimental character are very sensitive and pessimistic. They prefer to isolate themselves and become demoralized quickly. They tend to be resentful, insecure and indecisive. On the other hand, they have trouble adapting to new things.

Choleric people are busy, daring and act on impulse and improvisation. They are extroverted but as soon as a problem arises, they run away. They get stressed easily.

Those who are passionate have a great memory and imagination and an innate ability to work. They tend to focus on lost causes and are interested in learning, and are extremely methodical in this task.

Those with an amorphous character tend to be lazy, unoriginal and wasteful. They do not like to prevent, are unpunctual and nothing excites them.


In computing, a character is a unit of information equivalent to a symbol or a grapheme.

The concept in biology

In the field of biology , a trait is any feature that is used to describe organisms. According to experts, traits can be morphological , anatomical , behavioral , biochemical , physiological , genetic , geographic , or of another nature. On the other hand, traits can be approached from a qualitative or quantitative perspective.

The evolutionary transformation of a species is said to occur when one trait is replaced by another. Thus, a set of traits is based on the consecutive stages of its evolution. This series is not necessarily linear, since sometimes the trait of an ancestor has expanded along various paths as its descendants evolved.

Character in music, design and computing

In the musical field, however, the character of a work is understood as the way in which a composer intends the conductor and the musicians who compose it to perform it. To give these indications, expressions in Italian are used, such as agitato , giocoso or vivace .

Another use of the term character appears in industrial design : there, a piece is said to have a singular character when it inspires an overall impression distinct from any other design.

In computing and telecommunications , a character is interpreted as a unit of information that is equivalent to graphemes or symbols, as is the case with those in the written form of the alphabet of a natural language. This definition arises from typography , where a character is equivalent to a letter , a number or another sign .

The notion in its broadest sense

To conclude, we will say that this term refers to the individualization of the components of a whole, so that it can be analyzed in detail and thus understood in its most authentic sense.

Generally, when using the concept of character we refer to an innate quality of the subject or element that we are analyzing, to something that is integrated into the structure of the same and without which said entity would not have had the same development that we can see.