Definition of



The religious who has a chaplaincy is known as a chaplain.

The first meaning that appears in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) of the term chaplain refers to the religious who has a chaplaincy (an institution that grants certain goods with the obligation to fulfill masses and other duties). Sometimes, by extension, a ecclesiastic is called a chaplain whether or not he or she has a chaplaincy.

It is common for a cleric who performs his duties in an institution that belongs to a certain group of faithful to be called a chaplain. A chaplain, thus, can be assigned to a college , a university , a hospital , a military unit or a prison , for example.

Different types of chaplains

Chaplains give mass and perform sermons in these types of places. According to the activity they carry out or the rank assigned to them, it is possible to recognize different types of chaplains; Although most of the following names have fallen into disuse, it is necessary to know them to understand the historical documents in which they are mentioned:

* altar chaplain : he was the one who used to sing the solemn masses in the royal chapel during the holidays. The rest of the year, the office he celebrated was prayed. In certain churches, this name is also given to the priest who helps the celebrant;

* choir chaplain : could be any cathedral or church priest who assists in the canonical hours and the choir in the services. Although they had less dignity than the rationing means , they helped through the formation of a community ;

* honorary chaplain : he was the one who celebrated private masses for the kings and other royal people in their private oratories, in addition to attending the canonical hours and services, among other functions of the palace chapel, occupying the chaplains' bench ;

* senior chaplain : one who in a community of chaplains or in a chapter occupies the highest position. In short, he is the one who has a group in charge;

* military chaplain : this name is given to someone who serves in a battalion or regiment, to cite one case;

* chaplain of nuns is one who directs a community of nuns and assists them spiritually;

* Chaplain of His Holiness : he is a priest with the dignity of a monsignor who has this honorary title granted by the Pope , who appoints him for having knowledge and powers that make him worthy of the position, in addition to having made invaluable contributions to the religious community. . Typically, these men are elderly.


The chaplain is an ecclesiastic.

The shepherd

The concept of pastor is often confused with that of chaplain . While it is true that they share several of their characteristics, since both roles are responsible for providing counseling and spiritual ministry to those in need, they have certain well-defined differences.

Typically, the pastor is associated with a specific parish or church, while the chaplain is associated with a particular agency or employer. Pastors focus on ministry to those who share their faith, or those who are thinking about converting to it, while chaplains do not typically make their personal beliefs public.

The chaplain, a fish

Capellan, finally, is the fish whose scientific name is Trisopterus minutus . Also known as the mollera or lesser pout , this animal belongs to the Gadid family group and usually lives in the Mediterranean Sea .

The chaplain has three dorsal fins that lack spines. With a small tail, it is a fish that is brown on the back and lighter on its belly, usually measuring about twenty centimeters. Chaplain is part of the human diet and is also used to produce fish meal .