Definition of


University establishment

The buildings and grounds of a university form its campus.

A campus is the infrastructure and different spaces of a university . It is a Latin word ( campus ), translatable as “plain” , which is used in our language with reference to the buildings and lands of a higher level educational establishment.

For example: “During my university days I had a lot of fun on campus” , “This university's campus is spectacular” , “A shooting on an American campus left three people dead” .

Characteristics of a campus

A campus is usually made up of the various faculties of the university along with libraries , cafeterias , residences for students, gyms and green spaces . The intention is that students can develop their life on campus, finding everything they need for their studies but also recreation options.

The campuses are an evolution of the medieval schools where students studied and lived. Nowadays you can find university campuses in many countries .

university students

College students spend a lot of time on campus.

A digital platform

A virtual campus , on the other hand, is a digital platform that expands the academic life of a university beyond the physical space. On these campuses, students can access information about their grades and consult class schedules, among other possibilities.

This would be the case, for example, of the Virtual Campus of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) . In it, students have at their disposal tools and sections such as the smart university card, the virtual printer and personalized access to their grades, registrations and subjects.

Campus in sports

In the field of sports, training sessions aimed at children and young people who practice a certain activity are called campuses.

It is common for these campuses to be organized by clubs that have professional teams or by famous athletes who want to transmit their teachings to new generations.

summer camp

Nor can we forget the so-called summer campuses . These are camps that take place during the summer season. Children of different ages are the ones who become students on these campuses, which generally develop in spaces surrounded by nature. In these places, where they have the assistance and direction of different monitors, the little ones stay in cabins with other children and carry out all kinds of activities, both educational and recreational.

Currently, we find a wide variety of summer campuses. Thus, there are those that focus on the practice of a specific sport, those that help children learn languages ​​and there are even those that revolve around cooking or dance.

Parents of these children should be very clear about what their children like or what they should improve in order to properly choose the perfect campus.

Movie "Murder on Campus"

In the world of cinema we find various films that have the word that concerns us now in their titles. This would be the case, for example, of “Murder on Campus” .

This is a 1997 film, directed by Bradley Wigor , which tells how a young student begins to associate with criminals who have committed several murders.