Definition of



Heat is associated with high temperatures.

Heat is what a living being feels when faced with a high temperature . Physics understands heat as the energy that is transferred from one system to another or from one body to another, a transfer linked to the movement of molecules , atoms and other particles.

In this sense, heat can be generated from a chemical reaction (such as combustion), a nuclear reaction (such as those that develop within the Sun ) or a dissipation (whether mechanical, friction, or electromagnetic, microwaves ).

Thermal energy and heat transfer

It is important to note that bodies do not have heat, but rather internal energy . When a portion of this energy is transferred from one system or body to another that is at a different temperature, we speak of heat. The transfer of heat will occur until both systems are at the same temperature and the so-called thermal equilibrium is reached.

The amount of heat energy transferred is calculated and expressed in calories . This (unofficial) unit of measurement reflects the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of H2O (water) from 14.5º to 15.5º Celsius. In the International System of Units , the unit of energy is known as the joule . One calorie is equivalent to 4.184 joules.

There are other uses of the term heat, usually related to a symbolic sense. Heat can therefore be synonymous with excitement and exaltation (for example, «The heat of the public was felt in the stadium» ) or refer to the most intense part of an action ( «His clothes were torn in the heat of the battle» ).


In the desert, intense heat is often felt.

Consequences of global warming

The most obvious consequence of global warming is undoubtedly the increase in the average temperature of the planet, a phenomenon that we have witnessed in recent decades. In addition, sea levels have risen considerably, which threatens dangerous flooding.

All of this could have repercussions on health , leading to an increase in the average number of people affected by respiratory and cardiovascular diseases , as well as infections caused by tropical insects and dehydration. The first group of conditions mentioned would occur because, due to the heat, the effort required to carry out any physical activity would increase, with the consequent pressure on the lungs and the circulatory system.

As regards mosquitoes and other pests, as tropical zones would expand, diseases such as dengue, yellow fever, cholera and malaria would affect a greater percentage of the world's population.

The magnitude and frequency of rainfall would be greater, although the water level of rivers and lakes would decrease, due to the greater evaporation caused by high temperatures. Certain droughts throughout the year could affect the productivity of electricity generation. On the other hand, the demand for drinking water would naturally increase, to combat the heat . This demand, however, could not be met.

Other effects of increased global warming

Another possible consequence of excessive evaporation would be that the soil would lose its moisture; this would cause many areas rich in vegetation to become deserts . The loss of plants and nutrients would logically lead to a decrease in livestock activities, with its impact on the economy.

Flooding, on the other hand, would not only lead to mass evacuations, but seawater would salinize certain rivers and cause increased erosion of coastal buildings, which would threaten their foundations. At the same time, sunlight would not reach the bottom of the reefs as easily, and this would directly affect the photosynthesis process of certain species that are essential for the life of coral, one of whose functions is to moderate the waves.