Definition of



Quality is linked to the particularities and qualities of something.

The first step that is necessary to carry out in order to determine the essence of the quality concept that concerns us now is to establish its etymological origin. In this sense, we have to emphasize that it is found in the Latin word qualĭtas , which in turn comes from the Greek and more specifically from the term ποιόόης .

The typical qualities and particularities of something are highlighted from the concept of quality , a notion that is used when making comparisons between elements belonging to the same species. It should be noted that the definition of quality, due to the subjective nature of its meaning, is not usually precise.

Quality concept

There are multiple useful perspectives when addressing the notion of quality. If we refer to a product, quality aims to achieve qualitative and quantitative differentiation in relation to some required attribute.

As for the user, quality means satisfying their expectations and desires. This means that the quality of an object or service depends on the way in which it manages to meet the customer's needs. It can also be said that quality consists of adding value to the consumer or user.


Quality can be evaluated according to different parameters.

The term in food

Therefore, starting from the use of quality as a synonym for excellence, we have to determine that currently it is common to use the expressions quality seal or quality mark . With both, what is achieved, basically in the field of food, is to determine that a series of foods have the best properties that turn them into exquisite products and that are differentiated from their competitors precisely because of those.

Thus, for example, we could use an example sentence such as the following: “The Iberian acorn-fed ham from Los Pedroches has its seal of quality and is protected by the corresponding designation of origin that gives it great value.”

Quality assessment

Information technologies , for their part, talk about data quality when verifying that the information collected, processed, preserved and delivered is a faithful reflection of reality .

The good quality of a product or service is conditioned by three basic issues: the technical perspective (which covers the scientific and technological details related to the product in question), the human dimension (which seeks to promote a positive link between clients and business entities ) and the economic dimension (which seeks to reduce costs , both for the company and the consumer).

Other important aspects in terms of quality are the fair quantity of the product that is marketed, the agility in its distribution and its specific price .

To guarantee the quality of a product, there are standards or guidelines that function as rules to follow. Although each company has internal rules, there are others that are mandatory in accordance with the provisions of the laws.

The enjoyment

However, it must also be emphasized that the term quality is inherently associated with other words with which it has come to form expressions that are very frequently used in our society.

This would be the case, for example, of what is known as quality of life , which translates as any set of devices or actions that ensure that an individual or a community has the necessary requirements to enjoy life. a much more pleasant and comfortable day to day life.