Definition of



The seed of the coffee tree is known as coffee.

The etymology of the word coffee reveals an extensive journey that begins with the classical Arabic qahwah , continues with the Turkish kahve and reaches the Italian caffe , before acquiring the form that distinguishes it in the Spanish language.

Coffee is the name of the seed of the coffee tree , a tree that grows naturally in Ethiopian territory and belongs to the Rubiaceae group. The coffee tree is between four and six meters high, has opposite greenish leaves, its flowers are white and its fruits are displayed in red berries.

The seed of this tree, that is, the coffee, usually measures about a centimeter, being flat on one side and convex on the other, with a longitudinal groove. Its color is greenish yellow.

Coffee as an infusion

By extension of the term, the drink that is made by infusing this roasted and ground seed is known as coffee. It is a socializing drink, since people usually gather around the practice of drinking coffee.

In this sense, coffee is an excuse for social gatherings and conversation. For example, the phrase “Today I went to have coffee with María” transcends its explicit meaning, since it assumes that the person in question had a chat with María .

When talking about coffee, we cannot ignore determining that there are several types of this product and that they are determined based on the place where they are produced. Thus, for example, we have American coffee , which is what is produced in Brazil and the Caribbean ; the Arabic that comes from Yemen and is characterized by its fruity flavor and high quality; the one from Asia , and the one from Hawaii that has an acidic flavor.


It is common to combine coffee with milk.

Ways of preparation

In addition to this classification, we can also classify coffee based on its preparation method. Let's look at some of the most well-known or consumed classes around the world:

Coffee with milk . It is the one that is made from one part espresso coffee (made with an express coffee maker) and two parts milk.

Viennese coffee . This drink is made with a high percentage of coffee to which a little whipped milk and chocolate are then added.

Mocha coffee . This is made using the mixture, in equal parts, of coffee, milk and chocolate.

Cut coffee . It is an espresso coffee to which a few drops of milk are added.

Cappuccino coffee . It is made from equal proportions of milk, milk foam, espresso coffee and a few pieces of chocolate.

Bonbon coffee . It is the fruit of the union of two parts of coffee and one of condensed milk.

Broadly speaking, these are the main classifications made of coffee, although another can also be carried out based on the device used to make it and which determines whether we can speak of espresso coffee , pot coffee or coffee maker coffee. drip .

Coffee as an establishment and as a color

On the other hand, the establishment where this drink is sold and consumed , as well as other drinks, is known as a café: “We met at five o'clock at Mario's café,” “This morning I had breakfast at the café on the corner.”

Finally, in some countries a shade of brown is described as coffee.