Definition of



Brunch is a combination of breadfast and lunch.

Brunch is a term that the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) does not include in its dictionary. The concept comes from the English language and is formed from two words: breakfast (which can be translated as “breakfast” ) and lunch (which means “lunch” ).

Brunch is a meal eaten late in the morning, after breakfast. However, it can be taken up to a few hours after the usual lunch time. It is a combination of both that is traditional in England and the United States and that, over the years, spread throughout the world.

Brunch Features

Brunch is eaten after ten in the morning and before four in the afternoon. Among the foods that can be included are cold cuts, sausages, fruits, bills (buns) and different types of bread. They can even feature meats and soups . Let's not forget that in many countries it is customary to eat foods for breakfast that in others are typical for lunch or dinner.

In some hotels , it is common for guests to choose a brunch on weekends. In this case, the most common method is to present a buffet so that people can serve themselves to their liking. There are also restaurants that offer brunch menus to their diners.

On a domestic level, brunch is a good option when a person gets out of bed late. If breakfast is eaten too late, this meal is too close to lunch, or lunch must be delayed. That is why it is possible to combine breakfast and lunch in a brunch and thus satisfy caloric needs.


Many hotels offer brunch service.

Equivalent terms

In our language, one of the terms with which we can avoid this Anglicism is snack , which can be defined as a snack ; That is, a small amount of food that we eat outside the conventional times of breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner to recover energy and thus be able to continue carrying out our activities, such as work or study.

Although snacks do not always correspond to brunch, scholars of the Spanish language recommend using their own terms when possible. A fundamental difference between these two concepts is that brunch has already become a global trend , through conventional recipes that we can prepare at home or buy in thousands of stores; The snack, on the other hand, is not governed by any rule other than being placed between meals and not being so abundant as to interfere with our tasks.

If we refer to the history of this Anglo-Saxon word, it was initially used to define the snacks that parishioners ate mid-morning after Sunday mass, in the Bronx neighborhood of New York , in the United States . Later, it acquired a meaning similar to that of our snack, although its purpose was to regain strength on weekend mornings, after a night of partying by the people of New York high society.

Other Brunch Considerations

In short, brunch is the food eaten between two meals, especially between breakfast and lunch, and today it is typical in many parts of the world.

In the field of business it is also of great importance, especially on the European continent, where it is common for meetings to be interrupted for a few minutes so that participants can rest and have a drink. One of the names it receives in this context is "coffee break ", although it still responds to the same definition of brunch presented so far.