Definition of



Haze reduces visibility.

Bruma is a term whose etymology is found in the Latin language and refers to the “winter solstice” , according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ). That is why previously the concept was used to mention the winter season .

Currently the notion refers to fog , especially that which appears over the ocean . It can be said that haze is an atmospheric phenomenon that occurs when there are water particles suspended in the air , making visibility difficult.

What is haze

In more technical terms, fog or mist is a type of fog, and is distinguished from the others by its humidity level, which must equal or exceed 70%, which results in a marked decrease in visibility although it is higher. 1 kilometer. The composition of mist is hygroscopic nuclei and water, unlike common fog, which only consists of water, and haze, which is formed from dry particles.

Hygroscopic nuclei , for their part, are those drops of saline solutions or salt particles that usually come from oceans and seas. On these particles, in the atmosphere, the humidity of the air condenses.

For example: “There is a lot of fog: I don't think it would be convenient to go sailing right now,” “This morning we wanted to go play soccer on the beach , but the fog didn't let us see,” “The boat supposedly collided.” against the dock due to the fog.”


Haze is a type of fog.

Similar concepts

Notions such as mist , fog , mist and haze often generate confusion since they refer to similar phenomena. Fog is the concentration of particles that forms a cloud and impairs vision . Mist, fog and haze are types of fog.

Specifically, fog with a relative humidity greater than 70% and visibility exceeding one kilometer is often called haze. If visibility is less, it is called fog. On the other hand, when the visibility is similar to fog, but the relative humidity does not reach 70%, the phenomenon is known as haze (the cloud is made up of dry particles). Fog, finally, is low, thin fog.

Mist in a figurative sense

In a figurative sense, fog can be called the lack of clarity that does not allow one to think correctly or that surrounds a certain fact.

Just as the atmospheric phenomenon affects visibility at sea, in this case we are talking about the impossibility of accessing information or developing ideas, either due to an external blockage or due to confusion that arises spontaneously.

The term in "The Elder Scrolls"

Within the universe of "The Elder Scrolls" , one of the most successful video game series in recent years, Bruma is the name of a city located north of the Cyrodiil province, on the border with Skyrim (the name of the fifth installment of the saga) in the Jerall Mountains .

Bruma is always covered in snow and its days are sunny and clear. Although it is part of a fictional world, it is worth mentioning that this series is famous for providing its players with hundreds of hours of fun through missions that allow them to feel immersed in the story as if they were really living there.

Hobo Mist

In Argentina , from 1990 to 1991, a children's program titled "La isla de Los Wittys" was broadcast on Channel 13 . Its driver was Alejandra Gavilanes.

This proposal featured a series of fantastic creatures played by costumed actors, among which was Bruma Hobo , an antagonistic male character, who was characterized by causing problems for others because he detested happiness. One of the nicknames he received from the other characters was "Bruma Hobo, the undesirable."