Definition of



Wellbeing is what someone needs to live well.

The notion of well-being refers to the set of things that are needed to live well . Money to satisfy material needs, health, time for leisure and healthy emotional relationships are some of the issues that affect a person's well-being.

It is a concept of subjectivity , which can have very different representations in the mind of each individual, given that well-being is closely related to people's needs and tastes . However, human beings do not always know what things are good for us, and this further complicates the definition of this term.

individual well-being

In general, each person shows a tendency towards a particular type of activity, be it reading, playing sports, scientific research or painting, among many others. This defines your tastes, your vocation, what provides you with a well-being that cannot be compared with that obtained in other fields. But to fully understand the internal process that takes place in these cases, it is necessary to delve into the individual's mind to find the reasons that drive him or her to pursue one interest or another.

When a person's tastes are analyzed, it is discovered that the needs they try to satisfy through them are not always evident . For example, internationally famous actors and actresses, whose lives may seem the same at first glance, have very diverse pasts, and when asked why they dedicate themselves to acting, the answers range from the search for a better economic situation for your family to thirst for attention .

If we pay attention to the reasons expressed by each person for pursuing their interests, then we can assume that as long as they continue on that path they will achieve well-being. On the contrary, if we pay attention to the great variety of reasons why human beings can crave the same thing, the possibility arises that we do not always see our emotions and needs clearly; It is likely that our idea of ​​well-being is nothing more than a trap that causes us pain and anguish.


Each person must recognize which activities contribute to their well-being.

The importance of understanding yourself

Conceiving well-being in an incorrect and imprecise way is as dangerous as it is common to our species, and only through acceptance of our limits and mistakes can we free ourselves from this very peculiar form of imprisonment. The most graphic example is that of people who believe they need to be in a relationship to feel happy and never achieve it; Since they do not stop to look for the reason why they cannot be alone, their relationships do not satisfy them for long and they attribute their mistakes to the other.

It is worth mentioning that health is understood as the state of complete well-being, both physical and mental, on a personal level and in a social context. Therefore, it is the formula to obtain the proper functioning of psychic and somatic activity .

The welfare state

In another sense, the social system that seeks to eliminate the injustices of the capitalist economy through the redistribution of income and the provision of state social services for the lower social classes is known as the welfare state .

The well-being economy is one whose main objective is to bring the services and means essential for a dignified life to all sectors of society .

The welfare state and the welfare economy are usually flags raised by left-wing parties and moderate socialist movements that adhere to capitalism . Liberal parties, on the other hand, propose the reduction of state services considering that the free market is responsible for spreading wealth over all classes.