Definition of


Holy Scriptures

The Holy Scriptures of Catholicism and Judaism are known as the Bible.

From the Latin bible , which in turn derives from a Greek word meaning "books" , the term bible refers to the work that brings together knowledge on a certain subject . For example: "The first book published by Dr. Mafoet is the bible of modern infectious disease."

The most common use of the concept, however, is linked to the Holy Scriptures , which are the canonical books of the Tanakh (for the Jewish religion) and the Old and New Testaments (for Catholics). In this case, Bible is written with a capital letter: "My grandfather reads the Bible every night," "I must buy a Bible for my catechism class."

The Bible in Catholicism and Judaism

Catholics and Jews believe that the Bible transmits the word of God . It is important to note that the term has been used since before the birth of Jesus Christ . The Bible would have been translated, either complete or certain fragments, into more than 2,300 languages.

Historians believe that the Bible was written at various stages between 900 BC and 100 AD. The Old Testament of Christians refers to those books written before Christ; The New Testament, on the other hand, narrates the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.


For believers, the Bible functions as a moral guide.

Its relationship with reality

Despite the spiritual and symbolic nature of the Bible, archeology has confirmed various facts narrated by the Holy Scriptures and even proven the historical existence of several biblical characters.

However, despite the fact that millions of people firmly believe in everything stated in the Bible, many scholars have been able to verify that of the stories told there, few have really been such and are more similar to children's stories that highlight the capacity for imagination. and they rely on a magical popular belief that has nothing to do with reality.

The scholar Víctor Claudín, in an extensive analysis of the falsity of the knowledge that appears in sacred writing, begins with a phrase from Da Vinci that says: « Blinding ignorance confuses us. Oh, wretched mortals, open your eyes! » and then clearly develops the reasons why the Bible is not credible.

The commands of the Bible

From within, the Church is seen as a large group of people who seek justice, who desire good and who are convinced that only by complying with the rules set forth in the sacred book will they be able to obtain salvation . However, in reality it is an institution that bases its power on exaggerated dogmatism and the imposition of rigorous mandates for those it calls its children.

Throughout history the church has covered up those things in history that it did not want to be known because they would endanger its rigid dominion over the people ; One of those hidden truths is the one that revolves around the marriage that existed between Jesus and Mary Magdalene; truth that if it became known would shake the power of the church and would prove that the only way to be faithful to that institution is through denial and blindness.

A human creation

It is worth mentioning that everything that is taught in Christianity as authentic is a modification of some pagan symbol or belief that, when this religion was adopted as official, was adapted to form a hybrid that, unlike the rest of the then existing religions, It had divine power that could be used on earth.

All this would lead us to say that the Bible is a product of human beings and not of God, as we are led to believe, a work that contains a high political content that was created to record how people lived at that time and which was the way that the powers that govern the world considered appropriate.

It is interesting to note, finally, that the idea of ​​the Bible is used beyond religion. In Bolivia , an alcoholic drink prepared with sweet wine, cinnamon, sugar and egg is known as a bible.