Definition of



The adjective flat is applied to a musical note when its intonation is a semitone lower.

Flat is an adjective also used in the field of music that is applied to a note when its intonation is a semitone lower than the intonation of its usual sound. The sign that indicates that a note has this particular characteristic is also called flat.

Before entering fully into the definition of the term, it is important to know its etymological origin. In this case we can determine that it is a word that derives from the Latin be molle , which can be translated as “be soft.”

Use of flat

When the flat sign appears on a staff, it refers to the fact that the pitch of the note will be altered, reducing it by a semitone. The sign resembles a stylized lowercase letter B.

If the flat appears in the key signature , it affects all the notes of the same name that are in its space or on its line of the staff and also the same notes that are located in other higher or lower octaves. This effect remains until the completion of the piece or until a change of armor.


There are different types of flats.

Classification according to type

We speak of accidental flat , however, when the alteration only affects the note that appears before it is written and all the notes that have the same name and height in the measure where it is located. In other words: this accidental flat affects all the sounds that appear to the right of the corresponding sign, until the arrival of the next bar line.

If the musical note is altered by two semitones (that is, by a whole tone ), a double flat is mentioned. The triple flat may even appear, a rare alteration that reduces the pitch by three semitones (one and a half tones).

Microtonal flats

In the same way we cannot ignore the existence of what is known as microtonal flats . These appear, above all, in contemporary music and can be divided into two:

  • Flat and a half . It is responsible for lowering the pitch of the note by three quarters of a semitone. It is also known as sesqui flat and the way it is represented is by means of a half flat next to a normal flat.
  • Semiflat . Also called half-flat, it is represented as a horizontally inverted flat . What it does is decrease the pitch of the note by half a semitone.

a wine

In addition to everything indicated, we cannot ignore the existence of a wine that bears the term we are now analyzing by name. We are referring to Bemoles , which originates from Almonaster la Real , belongs to the Bodega y Viñedos Cerro San Cristóbal brand and is classified as a young wine.

It can be noted that it is indicated to be taken at any time of the year and even for any type of public. This is because it has a marked fruity touch as well as a notable freshness.

have flats

In colloquial language , finally, the expression “have flats” refers to something having certain complex or complicated aspects .

For example: “It is a difficult competition, which has its flats” , “We will have to work with creditors to overcome certain flats” , “Living in this town must have its flats” .