Definition of



The baton is a thin stick used by the director of a musical group.

A baton is a thin, short stick used by the director of a musical group, such as a choir or an orchestra, to direct the execution of a work . The concept comes from the Italian word battuta , which can be translated as “compass” .

Typically, the conductor uses the baton and his arms and hands to give directions to the musicians. Typically, the baton is held with the right hand, resting its base on the palm and then closing the fingers to hold it. With his arm extended, the director places the baton at face level and points inward and to the left to move it.

The baton can be said to act as an extension of the director's arm. The size varies according to the user's physical build. If the conductor has long arms, he can use a baton with a certain extension. On the other hand, if your arms are short, you can opt for a smaller baton.

Features of the baton

Batons are usually constructed of wood , graphite , or fiberglass . Although they are consistent and have a certain weight , their design means that the director can hold them firmly but without using too much force.

Precisely, the weight of the baton must be centralized at the end from which the director holds it, so that it does not require an effort to move it lightly.


The baton is used to direct the execution of a work.

Its importance

All this leads us to the next point: the baton is not essential for the director's task. In other words, if in the middle of a concert it broke and no one could get a replacement, the conductor could use his arms and hands, without this causing a lack of understanding on the part of the orchestra.

It is important to understand that not all directors give the baton the same degree of importance in their work. Although there are basic rules and concepts that many learn in the conservatory to take their first steps in this discipline, the path to professional management is usually characterized by the development of their own techniques and styles, which in many cases allow each professional to be recognized just by See your hands in motion.

In countries where there is no compulsory musical training, it is normal that people outside this art do not understand the role played by the conductor ; Although they may assume that it "guides" the musicians through their performances, they fail to understand the relevance of their performance. Taking the baton, in this environment, is far from enjoying inherited or undeserved power: the conductor must earn the trust and respect of the musicians, to guide them towards the best performance of their lives in each performance.

The work of a good director is similar to that of a school teacher: if you want to obtain good results you must begin by approaching each of the students, learning their names, knowing their concerns and finding the best way to convey their own needs to them so that they Nobody stays on the road . Leading the way involves communicating with many people at the same time, accepting their complaints, evaluating their demands, all of this without losing sight of the horizon, where that concert is located that will give meaning to an effort of weeks, months or years.

Baton in symbolic sense

By extension to this meaning, the idea of ​​a baton is also used symbolically with reference to the control or direction of something .

For example: “I don't care what you say: I have the baton here,” “If you want to ask for an advance, I suggest you talk to Gómez, who handles the baton,” “The coach doesn't have the baton, the coach has it.” team captain.”