Definition of



The batucada is an Afro-Brazilian music characterized by the use of percussion instruments.

The batucada is an Afro-Brazilian music that is characterized by the use of percussion instruments . The dance that develops from this music and the group of individuals who perform it is also called batucada.

The origins of batucadas - a term that comes from the Portuguese language - are found on the African continent . Already in ancient times it was common for people to gather around drums to dance and sing. Over the years these traditions reached other countries with African cultural roots, such as Brazil .

Characteristics of the batucada

Batucadas usually form on public roads. It is common that, in some regions, people gather with drums and other percussion instruments to generate music and dance to their rhythm. Many times batucadas are even organized as a form of protest since the sound of the instruments attracts attention.

It is important to mention that, beyond the social or cultural role of batucadas, they are not usually associated with rituals. It is mainly a gathering of percussionists who make music together and who are followed by people who dance to their rhythm.


Different types of drums can be used in the batucada.

Drums and other instruments

It is important to indicate that within any batucada group there are several different types of drums that are used. Among the most significant we can highlight the following:

  • Cuica . It is based on the existence of a stick inserted into its body: it is touched by rubbing a damp cloth on the aforementioned stick. The uniqueness of this drum is that it can even release sounds that are reminiscent of the voice of a human being.
  • Repinique . It is a drum played with one hand and a stick. The leader of the batucada group is considered to play this instrument since he acts as director.
  • Timbal , which stands out because it is cone-shaped and because it can generate both high and low sounds.
  • Surdo . Large drum that is responsible for creating the beat. It can be about 50 centimeters in diameter.
  • War box . Under such a peculiar name is another essential drum in any batucada band.
  • Tamborim . It is a smaller sized drum that is played with a multi-pronged plastic drumstick and even a stick.

In addition to drums , batucadas usually include whistles , kettledrums , and other instruments. Not forgetting, of course, other essential instruments in the batucada such as the reco-reco or güiro , which is made of wood and is played with a stick scraping what is its grooved area, or different types of shakers.

Styles similar to the batucada

Its musical style resembles the style of samba , although it may also exhibit other influences.

In some aspects, batucadas are similar to murgas , another genre of popular music based on the use of percussion instruments, although this often includes choirs and even theatrical demonstrations.