Batir is an action that consists of carrying out an attack , hitting something or destroying it, according to the first definitions mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ). However, among the almost thirty meanings of the term, there are others that are used more frequently.
Before moving forward it is necessary to know its etymological origin. In this case we can establish that it is a verb that derives from the Latin battuere , which can be translated as "hit ."
Beat as a synonym for stir
The action of whipping, for example, can consist of stirring and moving a substance with the aim of making it dissolve or change its consistency : “After adding the milk, we must beat the mixture for five minutes,” “The dessert is already It is almost ready: all that remains is to whip the cream” , “I am going to beat the preparation a little so that it is creamier” .
It is common for a cook to mix some preparation. Whipped cream or whipped cream is made by whipping cream so that the combination of air and fat generates a colloid. If sugar and vanilla are added to the whipped cream , you get whipped cream or whipped cream .
Beat an opponent or break a record
Beat, on the other hand, can refer to beating a rival or opponent . The notion also refers to breaking a record : “To beat the German team we have to play concentrated throughout the game,” “My dream is to beat the world record for long jump,” “Let's all fight together to beat the enemy.” !” .
In addition to all of the above, we cannot ignore the fact that this term is very common to use in the expression "beat a record " , which is used to mention that a person has managed to beat a mark.
Thus, for example, it can be said that the Guinness Book of Records presents people who have managed to beat the performances of other individuals in a specific skill or in a sporting discipline. The most curious are those referring to particularities or singular actions such as the following:
- Norwegian Helge Johansen has the honor of having broken the record for knitting the longest scarf in the world. Specifically, his was just over 4,565 meters long.
- The human being who holds the record for having managed to magnetize the largest possible number of spoons on his body is a man from Georgia who did so with 53.
- The record for the longest hair in the world is held by Xie Qiuping , from China , as it measures more than 5.6 meters.
- The record for the largest cotton candy in the world is held by Germany with one measuring 5.45 meters long.
Beat like ratting
In some South American countries , the act of denouncing, discovering or ratting out someone , or informing the authorities of data linked to a criminal act, is called batir.
“Investigators believe that the criminal was murdered by his companions since they thought he was going to beat everything before the police”, “I'm not going to beat you! Rest assured, I know how to keep a secret.”y “After beating, the young man left the city.” son expresiones que muestran este uso.